Chronology of World War II

June 1940

Thursday, June 27th


The British government takes steps to prevent French warships from returning to home ports. A general blockade of the European coastline from the Bay of Biscay to North Cape of Norway is announced by Britain.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

A confidential meeting is held between British and Australian representatives and the United States' Secretary of State Cordell Hull. The British and Australians ask for help in standing up to Japan. They wish the United States to take economic measures or to move more units of the fleet to Malaysian and Philippine waters or to offer to mediate between China and Japan. Hull is unable to agree to any of these moves which would involve a more active foreign policy than the American public is prepared to contemplate at this time.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


British destroyers and Sunderland flying boats sink 4 Italian submarines and damage 3 more in the eastern Mediterranean during the next few days.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Soviet Union, Home Front

Moscow decrees all factories begin seven-day workweeks, the first indication that Russia is going to a full war footing.

[larr | rarrrarr2]
[ June 26th - June 28th]