Chronology of World War II

September 1945

Thursday, September 6th

Diplomatic Relations

The unconditional surrender of strong Japanese forces in the southwest Pacific is signed aboard the British carrier Glory off Rabaul.

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Occupied Germany

Eisenhower lifts the Press censorship.

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United States, Home Front

Vice-Adm John S. McCain, ex-commander of the US Navy's TF 58, dies of a heart attack at age 61.

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Images from September 6, 1945

Filipino residents of Cebu City welcome American soldiers in September 1945. (National Archives)

Cebu City Welcome American Soldiers

Cebu City welcome American soldiers

Members of the old Fourth Regiment liberated from Japanese prison camp, Yokosuka, Japan, 6 September 1945. (Photograph by Connolly)

Liberation from Japanese POW Camp

Liberation from Japanese POW Camp

The war-ending surrender of the Japanese Southeastern Army at Rabaul aboad HMS Glory, 6 September 1945.

Japanese Southeastern Army Surrenders

Japanese Southeastern Army

At the conference held in the captain's cabin. Left to right: Admiral Jin-Incha Kusaka, Commander Japanese S E Navy; General Imamura, General S E Japanese Army; Lieut General V A H Sturdee, GOC First Australian Army; Brigadier E L Sheehan, BGS, First Australian Army; and Captain Wass Buzzard, RN, discussing the immediate occupation of Rabaul by the 11th Australian Division.

Immediate Occupation of Rabaul

Immediate Occupation of Rabaul

[September 5th - September 7th]