Chronology of World War II

August 1945

Friday, August 31st

Diplomatic Relations

The US re-establishes diplomatic relations with Finland.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Marcus Island

The Japanese garrison surrenders to the American Adm Francis Whiting on board the US destroyer Bagley (DD-386).

Occupied Germany

Field Marshals Walther von Brauchitsch and Erich von Manstein are arrested.

[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Images from August 31, 1945

Allied ships in Sagami Bay as seen from the quarterdeck of HMS Duke of York. Left to right: HMS Gambia, HMS King George V (nearest), and HMS Newfoundland. Mount Fujiyama is in the background.

Allied Ships in Sagami Bay

Allied ships in Sagami Bay

From under the guns of the after turret of HMS Duke of York, showing HMS King George V (center) and other Allied ships at anchor in Sagami Wan

Allied Ships in Sagami Bay

Allied ships in Sagami Bay

Rear Admiral Harcourt broadcasting the King’s message to Hong Kong, 31 August 1945. With him are Captain Anthony Kimmins, Chief of Naval Information, Pacific, who introduced him, and (standing) Mr Wyn Jones, Postmaster General, Hong Kong. Outside a Royal Marine stands guard as the station was still in Japanese hands when the broadcast was made.

Broadcasting the King’s Message to Hong Kong

broadcasting the King’s message

US troops returning from Europe fill every porthole, as the HMS Queen Elizabeth pulls into a pier in New York Harbor, 31 August 1945

US Troops Returning from Europe

US troops returning from Europe

[August 30th - Septembert 1st]