Chronology of World War II

August 1945

Monday, August 20th


Mountbatten broadcasts surrender instructions to the Japanese forces.

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All operations cease. The Japanese Kwangtung Army has lost 700,000 men killed, wounded and prisoners. However, Russian operations still go on in Sakhalin and the Kurils.

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Diplomatic Relations

The Japanese delegation returns to Tokyo with the Allies dispositions for the occupation and for the signature of the surrender.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


The Russians capture Harbin and Mukden.

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Norway, Home Front

The trial of Quisling for high treason opens at Oslo. Quisling who claimed to be the 'savior' of Norway is sentenced to death on September 10 and is executed by a firing squad on October 24.



A naval task force under the command of Rear-Adm Oscar C. Badger is formed to assume the responsibility for the occupation of the Yokosuka Naval base, Japan.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Home Front

The War Production Board lifts restrictions on production of consumer goods.

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Images from August 20, 1945

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur (top right) watches from a balcony above a crowd of soldier spectators as the sixteen-man Japanese delegation arrives at City Hall, Manila, to make surrender arrangements. Photo is dated 20 August 1945. (Credit: Naval Historical Center)

Japanese Delegation Arrives in Manila

Japanese Delegation Arrives in Manila

USS Missouri (BB-63) (at left) gransferring personnel to USS Iowa (BB-61), while operating off Japan, 20 August 1945. (Credit: Naval Historical Center)

Transferring Personnel between Battleships

Transferring Personnel

Eight gun nose A-26, 8th BS, 3rd BG Machinato Airfield, Okinawa 20 August 1945

Eight Gun Nose A-26

Eight gun nose A-26

Soviet soldiers on the bank of the Songhua River in Harbin. The Japanese-occupied city was liberated by Soviet troops on August 20, 1945. Some 700,000 Soviet troops occupied Manchuria by the time Japan surrendered

Soviet Soldiers in Manchuria

Soviet Soldiers in Manchuria

[August 19th - August 21st]