United States, Home Front All outstanding Lease-Lend contracts are cancelled by President Truman. Because Britain had been receiving many foodstuffs through this program, rationing in Britain will get worse than in wartime.
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Images from August 21, 1945
A 2-inch mortar team of 1st Battalion, The Caribbean Regiment in Egypt, 21 August 1945
A 2-inch Mortar Team
TBM flys over wires and skips barriers, crashing into the island during carrier qualifications, 21 August 1945, Guadalcanal (CVE-60)
A TBM Crash Lands on a Carrier
TBM crashes into the Island, 21 August 1945 Guadalcanal (CVE-60)
A TBM Crashes into the Island
At Chihkiang Airfield in China, T/Sgt Chet Krejci of the 35th Photo Recon Squadron photographed the 21 August 1945 arrival of an Imperial Japanese Army Air Force Mitsubishi Ki-57 TOPSY transport, a version of the Ki-21 SALLY heavy bomber, which carried the Japanese surrender delegation in China. (Courtesy Chester Krejci Family)
Japanese Surrender Delegation in China