Air Operations, CBI
- 9 10th Air Force B-25s attack troops and supplies at Panma.
- 15 P-47s attack troops at Wetwun and supplies at Twinnge.
- 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack targets of opportunity near Man Pong and Mongyu.
- 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack targets of opportunity in the Hei-Shih Kuan, Shanhsien, and Tsingsinghsien areas.
- 4 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack targets of opportunity between Dong Hoa and Lang Son.
- 51st Fighter Group P-40s and P-51s attack the Gia Lam airfield at Hanoi.
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Air Operations, East Indies - FEAF B-24s attack Limboeng, Celebes.
- B-25s and fighter-bombers attack Namlea, Boeroe.
- Fighter-bombers attack airfields in northeastern Celebes.
- FEAF aircraft mount light attacks against various targets in northern Borneo.
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Air Operations, Europe
Daylight Ops:
- Two separate forces bomb railway yards in Koblenz, one of the main centere serving the Ardennes battlefront. 192 aircraft including 162 Halifaxes, 22 Lancasters and 8 Mosquitos of Nos. 4 and 8 Groups attack the Mosel yards, near the main city, and 85 Lancasters of No. 3 Group attack the Lützel yards north of the city. At least part of the bombing of each raid hits the railway areas. The Koblenz-Lützel railway bridge is put out of action for the rest of the war and the cranes of the Mosel Harbor are also put out of action.
- No aircraft are lost from either operation.
Minor Ops:
- 16 Lancasters of No. 617 Squadron attack the E-boat pens at Rotterdam, scoring several hits and 1 Hudson flies a Resistance operation.
Evening Ops:
- 324 Lancasters and 22 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Scholven/Buer. The raid takes place in difficult conditions. There is thick cloud over the target but Oboe skymarkers are accurately placed and the oil refinery is badly hit. The local report says that 300 high-explosive bombs fall within the oil plant area. There are 2 large and 10 small fires and much damage to piping and storage tanks.
- 197 aircraft including 159 Halifaxes, 24 Lancasters and 14 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups attempt to bomb the railway yards at Troisdorf, but most of the attack misses the target. No other details are available.
Minor Ops:
- 16 aircraft of No. 6 Group lay mines in the Elbe River, 8 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group lay mines off Oslo, and there are 28 Mosquito patrols and 28 RCM sorties.
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Air Operations, Japan 1 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24 attacks Kataoka while 2 of 3 B-25s dispatched on a fighter-decoy mission fail to return to base when the mission is aborted due to bad weather.
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Air Operations, Philippines - The Mindoro-bound convoy that was under attack throughout December 28 is covered continuously through December 29 by V Fighter Command fighters and Marine Air Group 12 F4Us, which help fend off numerous small Japanese air attacks. However, a cargo ship is sunk as it unloads steel airfield matting and other aviation supplies desperately needed at the Mindoro airfields.
- 494th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Clark Field on Luzon.
- FEAF B-24s attack the Sasa airfield on Mindanao.
- V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets across the central Philippines and southern Luzon.
- A VMF-218 F4U downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter over Negros at 0720 hours.
- An 8th Fighter Group P-38 downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane near the Hammer airfield on Mindoro at 0900 hours.
- 110th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron P-40s down 3 A6M Zeros at sea at 1615 hours.
- VMF-218 F4Us down 2 D4Y 'Judy' dive bombers over the Sulu Sea at 1705 hours.
- P-47s and P-38s from various groups down 1 Ki-45 'Nick' fighter over Celebes at 1715 hours, 2 A6Ms Zeros, 1 Ki-49 'Helen' bomber, and 2 Ki-51 'Sonia' bombers over a friendly convoy near Mindoro between 1715 and 1730 hours.
- A 418th Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crew downs 2 J1N 'Irving' fighters over a friendly convoy near Mindoro between 1900 and 1923 hours.
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Air Operations, Volcano Islands 26 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based on Guam attack Iwo Jima.
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Eastern Front There is bitter street fighting in Budapest where the Germans have prepared a large number of fortified positions. The Russians attempt to start negotiations with the garrison but there is a misunderstanding and some of the Russian emissaries are killed in the course of their mission, probably by mistake, in front of the German trenches.
The battle for Budapest is raging as the Soviets batter the Pest and Buda districts of the city. The Soviets off surrender terms to Axis troops in both districts, an offer that results in the Pest emissary being shot by the Germans and the Buda emissary being killed by Red Army artillery fire while making his way back to friendly lines.
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Greece It is announced that a regency is to be established and that Prime Minister Papendreou will resign when a regent has been chosen. On Dec 31 Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens is sworn in and Papandreou resigns.
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Western Front There is something of a lull in the Ardennes battle. The Allies are busy preparing to extend their counterattacks.
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Images from December 29, 1944
29 December 1944 - Soviets launch the Battle of Budapest against German and Hungarian forces in and around the Hungarian capital city - To secure the last oil reserves left, the Germans mounted the last major offensive of the war. The German 6th Army tried to relieve 3 crack divisions trapped in the city, along with 200K civilians. The battle raged for 5 months. They came within a few miles of the town in the 2nd biggest tank battle in history but failed.
Battle of Budapest Begins
The British Army in North-west Europe 1944-45 Soldiers inspect various knocked-out and abandoned German kubelwagens, armoured cars, half-tracks and other vehicles near Foy-Notre-Dame, 29 december 1944.
British Soldiers Inspecting German Equipment
A soldier inspects two knocked-out German PzKpfw V Panther tanks near Foy-Notre-Dame, Belgium, 29 December 1944
Inspecting German Panthers
Damage caused to vehicles as the result of a 50 round German shelling at Castel del Rio, Italy on 29 December 1944
Vehicle Damage
American Infantrymen pause to rest en route to front lines, beyond Malmedy, Belgium on December 29, 1944. Left to right, Sgt. Lyle Greene, Rochester, Minnesota, S/Sgt. Joseph DeMott, Greenwood, Ind., and Pfc. Fred Mozzoni, Chicago, Illinois.
On Their Way to the Front
A German Sturmgeschütz Assault Gun during the Ardenne Offensive
Soviet soldiers battle Hungarian and German forces during the Siege of Budapest. The siege began when Budapest was first encircled on 29 December 1944 by the Soviet Army and the Romanian Army
Soviets Battle Hungarians and Germans
Beaufort A9-176 of No. 1 OTU crashed into a lake bed near East Sale on the 29th December 1944 at about 1500 hours. The aircraft crashed during practice single engine flying, just after take off. The pilot and 1 crewman were killed, 1 crewman slightly injured.
Crash of a Beaufort