Air Operations, Bonin Islands - 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Ani Jima and shipping in the Bonins.
- During the night, B-24s mount the first of 24 night missions (flown through December 24, 1944) to sow mines in several anchorages in the Bonins.
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Air Operations, CBI
- 8 10 Air Force B-25s attack a supply dump at Mansi and a camp at Namun.
- More than 70 10th Air Force P-47s attack two bridges, a town, a marshalling yard, rail lines, Irrawaddy River traffic, five airfields, and targets of opportunity.
- 16 14th Air Force P-40s attack the Lungling and Mangshih areas.
- 15 P-40s attack targets in the Chefang, Kweihsien, and Wanling (Burma) areas.
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Air Operations, Central Pacific Task Force 50 carrier aircraft attack Wake.
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Air Operations, East Indies - A 418th Night Fighter Squadron P-61 crew downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber near Halmahera at 0402 hours.
- FEAF B-24s attack Malili, Celebes.
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Air Operations, Europe
Daylight Ops:
- 738 aircraft including 383 Halifaxes, 324 Lancasters and 31 Mosquitos are sent to Gelsenkirchen. This large daylight raid has, as its aiming point, the Nordstern synthetic oil plant. The attack is not well concentrated but 514 aircraft are able to bomb the approximate position of the oil plant before smoke obscures the ground. 187 aircraft then bomb the general town area of Gelsenkirchen.
- 3 Lancasters and 2 Halifaxes are lost.
Minor Ops:
- 1 Wellington flies an RCM sortie.
Evening Ops:
- 235 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos of No. 5 Group attempt to cut the Mittelland Canal at its junction with the Dortmund-Ems Canal at Gravenhorst. The marking force experience great difficulty in finding the target. The crew of a low-flying Mosquito - pilot: Flight Lieutenant L. C. E. De Vigne; navigator: Australian Squadron Leader F. W. Boyle, No. 627 Squadron - find the canal and drop their marker with such accuracy that it falls into the water and is extinguished. Only 31 aircraft drop bombs, before the Master Bomber orders the raid to be abandoned.
- 128 Lancasters of No. 3 Group are sent to the new target of Koblenz, making a night G-H attack. This is a successful raid with most of the damage being caused by a large area of fire in the center of the town. The British Bombing Survey Unit later estimates that 303 acres, 58 per cent of the town's built-up area, are destroyed.
Minor Ops:
- 48 Mosquitos are sent to Gelsenkirchen, 18 to Hannover, 11 to Rheine and 8 to Herford, 12 Lancasters lay mines off Heligoland, and there are 82 Mosquito patrols and 32 RCM sorties.
- 1 Mosquito from the Gelsenkirchen raid, 2 Intruder Mosquitos and 1 RCM fortress are lost.
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Air Operations, Japan 4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s attack Torishima Island. 1 B-25 is downed when the flight is intercepted by 20 Japanese Navy fighters.
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Air Operations, Philippines - US carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.1, Task Group 38.2, and Task Group 38.3 attack Japanese airfields on Luzon.
- FEAF B-24s attack the Fabrica airfield on Negros and the Lahug airfield on Cebu.
- V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack barges in Ormoc Bay and ground targets on Leyte.
- A VF-14 F6F downs a Ki-21 'Sally' bomber over Clark Field on Luzon at 0400 hours.
- VF(N)-41 F6Fs down 2 Ki-57 'Topsy' transport planes over Clark Field at 0445 hours.
- A VF-15 F6F downs a P1Y 'Galaxy' bomber over Nichols Field on Luzon at 0750 hours.
- VF-19 F6Fs down 12 fighters over the Clark Field area between 0815 and 0900 hours.
- A VF-44 F6F downs 2 A6M Zeros 25 miles from the carriers at 0830 hours.
- A VF-19 F6F downs 1 Zero 20 miles from the carriers at 0840 hours.
- 35th Fighter Group P-47s down 12 Japanese fighters over the Carolina and Fabrica airfields on Negros between 1020 and 1045 hours.
- 8th Fighter Group P-38s down 11 Japanese fighters and 1 B5N 'Kate' torpedo bomber over and near the Fabrica airfield on Negros between 1115 and 1145 hours.
- A VF-19 F6F downs a Ki-84 'Frank' fighter (perhaps the first ever seen by American pilots) near Clark Field at 1525 hours.
- Task Force 38 carrier aircraft sink a Japanese cruiser in Manila Bay.
- In two days of attacks against Japanese airfields on Luzon, Task Force 38 carrier aircraft destroy an estimated 400 Japanese aircraft—mainly on the ground—at a cost of 25 USN aircraft lost.
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Burma A regiment of the Chinese 22nd Div crosses the Irrawaddy and overcomes weak Japanese resistance at Shwegugale.
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China The Japanese besiege Kunming, capital of Yunnan province.
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Eastern Front
Monastir falls to Yugoslav partisans. An attempt by the 46th Army to cross the Danube at Csepel Island fails with heavy losses.
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Egypt (when?5th) Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, dies as a result of being shot by 'Stern Gang' (Zionist) terrorists, in Cairo.
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Italy The 8th Indian Div of the XII Corps of the US 5th Army captures Monte Monsignano.
In the eastern sector the Polish II Corps continues its advance, taking Monte Chiodo and Monte Pratello with the 3rd Carpathian Div and Monte Testa, east of Dovadola, with the 5th Kresowa Div.
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Philippines It becomes clear that there is no danger of an amphibious counter-attack by the Japanese, and the X Corps is ordered by Gen Walter Krueger to advance immediately with the object of taking Ormoc. In the XXIV Corps sector, the 382nd Inf Regt, 96th Div, captures Bloody Ridge, west of Dagami, except for a few isolated pockets of resistance.
US Hellcat fighters, Avenger torpedo planes and Helldiver dive-bombers attack Japanese airfields and shipping installations throughout southern Luzon. A heavy dogfight results after 80 Japanese fighters intercept the US force over Clark Field. 58 of the Japanese aircraft are shot down in the action, and 25 more later in the day. More than 100 Japanese aircraft are destroyed on the ground. By the next day, the figure rises to 327. 1 heavy cruiser is left sinking in Manila harvor and 10 other ships are either sunk or damaged.
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Soviet Union, Armed Forces British ships deliver to Murmansk 9,907 former Soviet prisoners who had fought for the German army and were captured in France. They will each receive six years' exile - surprisingly lenient considering the Red Army's harsh penal code.
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Soviet Union, Home Front Stalin accuses the Japanese of aggression. This belated recognition is important only in that it foretells of Russian actions in Asia.
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United States, Politics In the presidential election Roosevelt is voted in for an unprecedented fourth term. He beats Dewey by winning 36 states with 53 percent of the vote. Everything possible is done to conceal from the world public opinion the fact that he is suffering from a serious illness. In the elections for the House of Representatives the results give 243 Democrats, 190 Republicans and 2 others.
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Western Front On Walcheren Middleburg, the largest settlement on the island, falls to a surprise attack by the II Corps of the Canadian 1st Army. Gen Wilhelm Daser, the garrison commander, surrenders with 2,000 men.
In the British I Corps sector the Polish 1st Arm Div, supported by units from the US 104th Div, begins the offensive against Moerdijk.
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Yugoslavia Tito's forces enter Monastir. They now control almost the whole of the Greece-Yugoslavia border.
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Images from November 6, 1944
A Bren Gunner of the 8th Royal Scots at Moostdijk, Holland, 6 November 1944
Men of the 36th Infantry Division Advance through a Banana Grove in Burma, 6 November 1944
US Navy 3rd Fleet warships and auxiliaries anchored at Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands, shortly after the Battle of Leyte Gulf, on 6 November 1944. The battleships USS New Jersey (BB-62) and USS Iowa (BB-61) are in the center and at right. Five Essex-class carriers are moored in line in the upper center
US Navy 3rd Fleet Warships and Auxiliaries
A Navy Helldiver roars over a Japanese hospital ship in Subic Bay during the strike at Port Silanguin in the Philippines, 6 November 1944
Navy Helldiver
Ein Volkssturmsoldat im bedrohten Ostpreussen wird im November an der Panzerfaust ausgebildet.(A Volkssturm soldier in the threatened East Prussia formed in November at the bazooka)
Soldier and Bazooka
A wounded prisoner is carried on a stretcher along a railway track by troops of 36th Infantry Division during the advance on Mawlu, November 1944
Wounded Prisoner Carried on a Stretcher
When the grenade at the height of St. Anne Street 94 Reinier Theunissen came with his daughter Annie, and Mientje the Water Cup to life (Dutch trans.)
St. Anne Street 94 Reinier Theunissen
Men of the 1st Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment In Action in the Netherlands, November 1944