Chronology of World War II

August 1944

Tuesday, August 22

Air Operations, Carolines

  • 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based at Saipan attack the Yap Atoll.
  • During the night, 868th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s attack Japanese airfields and defenses in the Palau Islands.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 9 10th Air Force B-25s attack Hopin.
  • 28 10th Air Force P-47s attack artillery positions, troops, dumps, and buildings at Ingyingon, Nansankyin, and Pinlon.
  • 2 P-51s attack buildings at Aledaw with aerial rockets.
  • 11 14th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack bridges and road traffic around Loiwing, Mangshih, Pangpying, and Tingka.
  • 6 fighter-bombers attack an airstrip and other targets on an island near Foochow.
  • 10th Air Force P-51s mount 53 effective sorties in support of Chinese Army ground troops at Tengchung.
  • A P-40 with the 3rd CACW Fighter Group’s 8th CACW Fighter Squadron downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter near Kakow at 1135 hours.
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Air Operations, East Indies

V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Galela area and Saumlakki.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack Manokwari and numerous coastal targets.

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Adm Sir Henry Moore leads 3 fleet carriers and 2 escort carriers of the British Home Fleet to attack the battleship Tirpitz in Kaafiord. The battleship Duke of York is in support. The attack is detected on the way in and loses heavily to the German barrage and to the defending fighters. No hits are achieved because of the smoke defenses. The attacks are repeated without result on August 24 and 29.

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The British escort carrier Nabob is torpedoed by U-354 off northern Norway. Her Avenger planes take off from a sloping deck and prevent U-354 from delivering the coup de grâce. The Nabob is towed to safety.

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Barents Sea

U-354 severely damages the British frigate Bickerton resulting in the loss of 38 of her crew. After the survivors are rescued, she is scuttled by the British destroyer Vigilant.


Battle of the Atlantic

U-480 sinks the British minesweeper Loyalty southeast of the Isle of Wight with the loss of 20 of her crew. Survivors are picked up by 2 landing ships.

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On the Salween front, Japanese counterattacks around the town of Sung Shan have no success.

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Eastern Front

Jassy (Iasi) is taken by Malinovsky's troops of the the 2nd Ukraine Front. The 3rd Ukraine Front is extending its attacks northward toward Kishinev and has advanced up to 50 miles in the past two days.


The 6th Tank Army pushes down from the north, behind the main units of the 6th Army to the east, toward Vaslui and Husi. With the complete collapse of the Rumanian armies, Friessner cuts the Rumanians out of the command chain, allocating Meith's IV and the XXIX Corps to the 6th Army. Fierce battles rage south of Jassy as the IV Corps falls back to the southeast toward the Prut. Kastuleni and Ungeny fall to 52nd and 4th Guards Armies as they drive along either bak of the river. To the east, elements of the XXIX Corps are involved in heavy fighting at Romanovo as the 46th Army plunges deep into the German rear. The XXIX is now in full retreat toward the Prut. While the corps retreats, other elements of the 46th Army reach the Black Sea coast and isolate the 9th Infantry Division.

The Rumanians depose Marshal Antonescu and place him under arrest. The new government immediately issues orders for all Rumanian units in the field to cease firing upon Russian forces and surrender or go home.

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The Polish II Corps reaches and occupies the south bank of the Metauro River from Sant' Ippolito to the Adriatic coast south of Fano.

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Japan, Home Front

The government introduces measures to conscript all women between the ages of 12 and 40 to do war work.

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Northern France

While the bridgehead established by the 79th Div of XV Corps at Mantes-Gassicourt stands up to counterattacks by the Germans, the XX Corps advances rapidly toward Melun and Montereau and its 5th Div threatens Fontainebleau. The 4th Arm Div, after taking Sens, pushes on toward Villeneuve. Orders are issued for the attack to take Paris.

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Occupied France

The FFI now control all public buildings in Paris.

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Japan loses 3 frigates to US torpedoes in the area around the Philippines. The Sado is sunk by the US submarine Haddo (SS-255) and the Matsuwa and the Hiburi are sunk by the US submarine Harder (SS-257).

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Rumania, Politics

In response to impending military disaster, the Romanians depose Antonescu and place him under arrest. Orders are issued to Romanian units to stop fighting, surrender to the Russians or disband and go home (in fact, many Romanians have deserted en masse to the Red Army).

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Southern France

The 36th Div of VI Corps reaches and takes Grenoble without meeting any resistance. To the west, in the Toulon and Marseilles sectors, the 3rd Algerian Div and 1st Arm Div of the French II Corps continue to advance along the coast against strong German resistance.

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Images from August 22, 1944

Tea Is Served to German Prisoners in the Falaise pocket, 22 August 1944

Tea is served to German prisoners

French People Celebrate Their Liberation in Aix en Provence, France. 22 August 1944

French people celebrate their liberation

French Soldiers with German POWs in Hyeres, France, 22 August 1944

French Soldiers with German prisoners

Resistance Fighter Armed with a Flamethrower in Warsaw, 22 August 1944

Resistance fighter armed with a flamethrower

French People Cheering US Soldiers in Aix en Provence, France, 22 August 1944

French people cheering US soldiers

The Jagdwaffe vs. US anti-aircraft artillery at Mantes

Seine Bridgehead, 22 August 1944

Seine Bridgehead

French civilians in a pony and trap pass a knocked-out German Panther tank in the Falaise-Argentan area, 22 August 1944.

French Civilians Pass Knocked-out Tank

French Civilians Pass Knocked-out Tank

A war-weary French woman pours a British sniper a cup of tea during the fighting following the Allied landings in Normandy. Lisieux Calvados, Lower Normandy, France, August 22 1944

Pouring a Cup of Tea

Pouring a Cup of Tea

A British soldier examines an abandoned German Opel Maultier self-propelled Nebelwerfer, in the Falaise-Argentan area, 22 August 1944

Examining a German Rocket Launcher

Examining a German Rocket Launcher

HMS Nabob After She Was Torpedoed

HMS Nabob after she was torpedoed
HMS Nabob after she was torpedoed by the German submarine U-354 on 22. August 1944 in the Barents Sea with severe damage. Her crew managed to get her back after 5 days and arrived at Inverness (or possibly Scapa Flow) 27 August 1944 for emergency repairs. Judged not worth repairing, towed to Rosyth, beached and abandoned. Decommissioned 30 September 1944 but retained in nominal reserve. She was stripped to support sisterships.

HMS Bickerton Got the Second Torpedo

HMS <i>Bickerton</i>
The HMS Bickerton was refuelling from the HMS Nabob when Nabob got hit. HMS Bickerton got the second torpedo from the German submarine U-354 on 22 August 1944 in the Barents Sea. A Canadian destroyer came back to help and the German submarine dived. The Canadian destroyer rescued the Bickeron crew that was alive and then sent HMS Bickerton to the bottom as she was hit to bad to save

M-18 tank destroyers from the 637th TD Bn are driven around a driving course laid out in a coral pit to familiarize the crews with the vehicles handling, Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, 22 August 1944

M-18 tank destroyers

M-18 tank destroyers

[August 21st - August 23rd]