Chronology of World War II

July 1944

Wednesday, July 19

Air Operations, Carolines

FEAF B-24s attack the Yap Atoll in two waves.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 9 10th Air Force B-25s attack Myitkyina.
  • More than 30 10th Air Force P-51s and P-40s attack targets in the Myitkyina area and support Allied ground forces near Kaimang.
  • More than 80 14th Air Force P-40s attack shipping on Tungting Lake, shipping at Changsha, the airfield at Siangtan, and Japanese Army ground troops, supply dumps, and other targets around Hengyang.
  • 31 P-51s and P-40s attack port facilities and the town area at Sanshui, and Japanese Army ground troops near Lienchiangkou.
  • 5th CACW Fighter Group P-40s down 6 Japanese fighters near Sinshih at 0800 hours.
  • A 76th Fighter Squadron P-51 downs a Ki-44 'Tojo' fighter in a late-morning engagement over Sanshui.
  • 4 14th Air Force P-40s strafe many junks along the northeastern coast.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 132 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos. 5 and 8 Groups attack 2 flying bomb launch sites and a supply dump. All targets are partially covered in cloud, but it is believed that all are hit.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
  • 36 Mosquitos are sent to Bremen, 6 Halifaxes lay mines off Heligoland, there are 29 Mosquito patrols and 9 RCM and 8 OTU sorties.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, Marianas

318th Fighter Group P-47s attack Tinian.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Fighter Command fighter-bombers support Allied ground forces in the Sarmi area and attack numerous targets of opportunity elsewhere.

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Eastern Front

In their advance to Lvov 1st Ukraine Front surround 5 German divs west of Brody. Farther north, just east of Dvinsk, Russian units enter Latvia.


The XIII Corps is hit by a series of concentric attacks, Soviet troops capturing Koltow during the fighting. As the advance upon Lvov develops, the 4th Tank Army launches flanking attacks in an effort to encircle the Germans inside the city. However, the 1st Panzer Army puts up strong resistance and deflects the Russian attacks.

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The US 34th Div takes Leghorn, but the Germans have destroyed much of the town and port facilities with demolitions before withdrawing. In the sector where the French Expeditionary Corps is advancing the 4th Mountain Div reaches Certaldo, northwest of Castellina. The South African 6th Arm Div begins to advance between the Chianti hills but is greatly slowed down by German fire. Units of the British 6th Arm Div secure a new crossing of the Arno near Laterina.

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New Guinea

Fighting continues near Afua, in the Aitape beachhead area.

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  • The Japanese light Oi is sunk by the US submarine Flasher (SS-249) in the South China Sea.
  • The Japanses submarine RO-48 is sunk by the US destroyer escort Wyman (DE-38) in the Central Pacific area.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]

United States, Politics

Over the next 3 days the Democratic Party convention meets in Chicago. Roosevelt is selected by an overwhelming majority as the presidential candidate. He receives 1086 votes, Sen Byrd 89 and James Farley 1. Harry Truman is chosen as running mate by 1031 votes to Wallace's 105.

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Western Front

After capturing St Lô the US XIX Corps pushes on southward. In the British sector the Canadian 2nd Div of II Corps captures Louvigny and Fleury, on the north and south banks of the Orne River. East of Caen the GOODWOOD battles continue with large numbers of tanks being engaged from both sides. The Germans usually have the advantage of better positions and this, combined with their armament, tips the balance in their favor despite the disparity of numbers. The Caen suburb of Vaucelles, however, is cleared by Canadian units.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from July 19, 1944

B-24 (41-29542) 'Rough House Kate' on Mission to Saarbrucken, Germany, 19 July 1944

B-24 on Mission to Saarbrucken

US Navy battleship USS Tennessee (BB-43) Bombarding Guam, 19 July 1944

USS <i>Tennessee</i> (BB-43) Bombarding Guam

A Universal Carrier carrier passes a burnt-out German SdKfz 250/9 reconnaissance half-track near Troarn during Operation GOODWOOD, 19 July 1944

Passing a Burnt-out German Half-track

Passing a Burnt-out German Half-track

The Welsh Guards In Action near Cagny during Operation GOODWOOD, 19 July 1944

Welsh Guards in action

A Sherman ARV Towing a German PzKpfw IV Tank Captured near Cagny, 19 july 1944

Towing a German <i>PzKpfw IV</i> Tank

Canadian Soldiers Watch a French Woman and German Prisoners near Caen, 19 July 1944

Canadian soldiers watch

Camouflaged Churchill Tanks of the North Irish Horse in Italy, 19 July 1944

Camouflaged Churchill tanks

The scene of fierce fighting during Operation ATLANTIC. The ruins of the steelworks were cleared on the evening of 18 July and during the night that followed.

The Steelworks at Colombelles, 19 July 1944

Steelworks at Colombelles

A Knocked-out Universal Carrier in the Factory Area of Caen, 19 July 1944

A knocked-out Universal carrier

Fifth Army Leghorn Area, Italy. Cpl. Duane T. Moen, 316th Engineers, 91st Division, of Minneapolis, Minn., alert for enemy snipers as his Fifth Army buddies set off mines sowed heavily on one of the main streets leading to Leghorn harbor, 19 July 1944. (Photo by Baker, 3131 Signal Service Co.)

Watching for Enemy Snipers

Watching for Enemy Snipers

Cromwell Tanks of 2nd (Armored) Welsh Guards, Guards Armored Division, Southeast of Caen, 19 July 1944

Cromwell tanks of 2nd (Armoured) Welsh Guards

A Bofors Anti-aircraft Gun Crew 'Chalk Up' Three Kills On Their Gun, Normandy, 19 July 1944

Bofors anti-aircraft gun crew

[July 18th - July 20th]