Air Operations, Carolines 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s based on Engebi Island assist US destroyers in a search for a B-25 crew downed the previous day near Ponape Island. After locating the downed airmen, the B-25s stafe Pakin and Ponape islands with cannon and machine guns. The downed airmen are eventually rescued by a US destroyer.
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Air Operations, CBI
- USAAF transports begin an emergency airlift of US Army ground troops to Myitkyana in the hope of thwarting a Japanese Armyh drive to recapture the airfield. 2 US Army engineer battalions are also to be airifted to the isolated base to repair, expand, and maintain the vital airbase. Wounded and sick troops are evacuated on return flights.
- 23 14th Air Force P-40s attack Yangtze River traffic near Shihshow, Japanese Army ground troops at Shasi, road traffic near Loyang, and troops, dumps, and pontoon bridges near Shanhsien.
- 7 P-40 fighter-bombers attack an occupied town.
- 2 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack a small tanker near Swatow.
- 1 B-25 is downed while attacking a Japanese Navy gunboat in the South China Sea, and a second B-25 that is damaged in the action is written off after crash-landing at a base in China.
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Air Operations, Europe
Evening Ops:
- 30 Mosquitos are sent to Ludwigshafen, 11 to railway yards at Aachen, and 8 to Lison, and 42 aircraft lay mines off Dutch, Belgian and French coasts.
- 2 Mosquitos are lost on the Ludwigshafen raid.
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Air Operations, New Guinea - V Bomber Command B-24s attack Biak Island.
- 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in Australia attack the airfield at Manokwari.
- V Bomber Command B-25s attack targets in the Wakde and Aroe island groups.
- 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s temporarily based at the Merauke airfield (on the south New Guinea coast) attack Dobo in the Aroe Islands after finding bad weather over the airfield at Babo.
- 5th Air Force B-25s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers complete more than 100 sorties against targets beteen Hansa Bay and Wewak.
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Battle of the Atlantic U-541 stops the Portuguese liner Serpa Pinto carrying Jewish refugees to Canada. 2 US citizens are taken off and 385 others aboard are ordered into lifeboats. 9 hours later after U-541 has radioed HQ, they are allowed back on board. 3 die, including a 16-month old baby, in the incident.
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Burma In the northern sector the Japanese 18th Div recaptures the village of Namkwi in the Myitkyina area. On the Salween front the Chinese troops of 'Force Y' are short of supplies.
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China A major Japanese offensive against US air bases in the southeast begins. 620,000(?) troops, divided between the 11th and 23rd Armies, drive from Hankow and Canton.
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Italy The Allied advance continues despite stiffer German resistance. While the 45th and 34th Divs of the US VI Corps on the left flank advance along the line from Campoleone station to Lanuvio, the 1st Arm div tries unsuccessfully to get to Velletri over impossible terrain. In the US II Corps sector the 85th Div strengthens its positions west of Priverno. During the night advance units of the 88th Div advance from Roccasecca sector to cross the Amaseno valley, only about 20 miles from Frosinone. McCreery's X Corps takes Roccasecca, the Canadians take San Giovanni.
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Occupied France The Resistance bombs the hydroelectric station supplying the Tulle Arsenal which is guarded by 40 German soldiers.
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Pacific The US destroyer escort England (DE-635) sinks the Japanese submarine RO-108 north of the Bismarck Archipelago.
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Images from May 26, 1944
Wounded US Soldier Being Carried on Litter in Cisterna, Italy, 26 May 1944
Heavily Damaged Government Building in Latina, Italy, 26 May 1944
US Jeep Driving Out of Terracina, Italy, 26 May 1944
An Ambulance Moves Past a Destroyed German Fortress at Terracina, Italy, 26 May 1944
German Panzer Mk. IV knocked out near Pontecorvo, Italy, being examined by RCA soldiers, 5th Canadian Armoured Division, 26 May 1944. (Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3405800)
Knocked Out German Panzer
Town hall of Chartres after the Bombing, 26 May 1944
Lance-Corporal J.A. Thrasher of The Westminster Regiment (Motor), who holds the PIAT anti-tank weapon with which he disabled the German self-propelled 88mm. gun on which he is sitting, near Pontecorvo, Italy, 26 May 1944.
Holding a PIAT Anti-tank Weapon
Captured German Hummel SP Howitzer knocked out by Canadian troops of the Westminster Regiment, 5th Canadian Armoured Brigade armed with a portable Infantry anti-tank launcher (PIAT) at Pontecorvo, Italy, 26 May 1946. None are preserved in Canada.
Captured German Hummel SP Howitzer