Chronology of World War II

May 1944

Thursday, May 25

Air Operations, CBI

  • 6 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Indaw.
  • 4 B-24s attack a rail junction near Naba.
  • 28 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s attack many targets while conducting sweeps around Mandalay.
  • A 3rd CACW Fighter Group P-40 downs a transport near Mihsien during the afternoon.
  • 20 10th Air Force A-31s attack a bridge spanning the Manipur River at Tonzang.
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Air Operations, East Indies

380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack shipping near Halmahera.

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Air Operations, Japan

1 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s reconnoiters and attacks targets in the central Kurile Islands.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Mokmer airfield on Biak and targets in the Wakde Islands.
  • 5th Air Force B-24s, B-25s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers complete more than 90 sorties against the Wewak area.
  • 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s, based at the airfield at Nadzab, pass through Merauke (on the south New Guinea coast) to attack the airfield at Nabire.


In the northern sector the 3rd Indian Div begins to withdraw, abandoning some road and rail blocks. Gen Stilwell protests, for he wants the supply routes from the south to Myitkyina blocked. The Chinese 38th Div succeeds in cutting the Kamaing road at Seton, arousing furious Japanese reaction. On the Salween River front, the Chinese succeed in forcing the Japanese from the Tatangtzu Pass.



Patrols of the II US Corps link up with units of VI Corps from Anzio. The main advance of VI Corps, the 3rd Div, takes Cisterna and Cori. The obvious next move from here is toward Velletri and Valmontone which the 1st Arm Div pushes toward, and if this is executed quickly most of the German 10th Army may be cut off. Kesselring therefore sends his only remaining reserve, the Hermann Goering Div, to join the forces in this sector. Gen Clark, commanding 5th Army, only keeps 1 div moving forward in this sector and despite direct orders from Alexander puts his principal effort into capturing the glory of freeing Rome rather than moving his forces east as quickly as possible to trap von Vietinghoff's 10th Army. From the military and strategic aspect the second alternative would probably mean the end of the war in Italy. But Clark finds the attaction of Rome irresistible.

In the Liri Valley the battle is still going well for the Allies. While the British 78th Div takes Aquino, units of the British X Corps capture Monte Cairo and the divisions of Gen Anders' Polish II Corps enter Piedimonte San Germano. The British XIII Corps reaches the Melfa River. Because of Clark's errors however, Senger is able to prepare a strong resistance around Arce and Ceprano which will enable his forces to pull back to the Caesar Line and even for a time look like making a stand.

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New Guinea

The US forces advancing from Arare cross the Tirfoam River after a brisk engagement. Meanwhile the huge Task Force Hurricane, with 12,000 men for operations against Biak, sails from Humboldt Bay.

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Occupied France

A Resistance raid halts production of artillery pieces at Arsénal National, Tarbes.

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Yugoslavia, Resistance

(5/24?) A small German paratroop force is dropped at Tito's hq at Drvar in Bosnia. The Germans occupy the surrounding area while Tito radios for Allied help and escapes to his cave hideaway. Tito and Maj Randolph Churchill who is with him as a liaison officer both have a narrow escape. Now the Partisans use their local knowledge to surround the Germans and the whole episode becomes a disaster for the attackers as they lose 1,100 dead and wounded and Tito remains free.


Images from May 25, 1944

US and British Soldiers Meet in Terracina, Italy, 25 May 1944

US and British soldiers meet in Terracina

German POWs at Cisterna, Italy, 25 May 1944

German prisoners of war at Cisterna

US Patrol Moves through Cisterna, Italy, 25 May 1944

US patrol moves through Cisterna

British Soldier and US Officer Meet in Fogliano, Italy, 25 May 1944

British soldier and US officer meet

US troops in the ruins of Cisterna after the town was finally captured on 25 May 1944. The corpses of German soldiers lie in the foreground. One American journalist compared the scene of destruction to that of Ypres during the First World War

US Troops in the Ruins of Cisterna

US troops in the ruins of Cisterna

Mark Clark with reporters and troops at Borgo Grappa, May 25, 1944, during the linkup of the Cassino and Anzio fronts.

Gen Mark Clark with Reporters at Borgo Grappa

Gen Mark Clark with Reporters at Borgo Grappa

Bren carrier and soldiers, of 5th New Zealand Infantry Brigade moving up to the front in preparation for an attack of Terrelle, Italy. Photograph taken by George F Kaye, 25 May, 1944.

Bren Carrier and Soldiers of 5th New Zealand Infantry Brigade

Bren carrier and soldiers

Tiger of Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 508 destroyed 25 May 1944 following mechanical problems near the town of Giulianello then pushed on the side of the road by the advancing 5th Army

Destroyed Tiger Tank

Destroyed Tiger Tank

General Mark Clark (centre) with British and American troops at the link-up between VI Corps and US 85th Division, which had led the advance of II Corps up from the Gustav Line, 25 May 1944.

Gen Clark with Troops at the Link-up

Gen Clark with Troops at the Link-up

C Battery, 218th Field Artillery Battalion M1918 155mm howitzer, fires in support of an infantry advance, Arare, New Guinea, 25 May 1944.

Artillery in Support of Infantry Advance

Artillery in Support of Infantry Advance

Members of the 16th Armored Engineer Battalion (1st Armored Division) are clearing mines in preparation for the breakout of the Anzio Beachhead, Italy. Photo taken 24-25 May 1944.

Clearing Mines near Anzio Beachhead

Clearing Mines near Anzio Beachhead

A Panther Ausf.A No 114, destroyed in the Torre Tre Ponti sector outside the city on the road N7 by elements of the U.S. 5th Army. 25 May 1944.

A Destroyed Panther

A Destroyed Panther

[May 24th - May 26th]