Air Operations, Carolines - 15 307th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s mount a pre-dawn attack against the Truk Atoll.
- 5th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Woleai Atoll.
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Air Operations, CBI
- 12 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack targets around Alon and Monywa.
- 8 10th Air Force B-25s attack targets along the Tiddim road.
- 12 A-31s attack Paletwa and Japanese Army positions near Buthidaung.
- 2 B-25s and more than 80 fighter-bombers attack targets at and around Kamaing, Mogaung, and Nsopzup.
- 12 P-51s attack a supply area at Hopin and a Japanese Army headquarters at Katha.
- 21 459th Fighter Squadron P-38 fighter-bombers attack the airfield at Heho.
- 459th Fighter Squadron P-38s down 6 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over Heho airfield at 1140 hours.
- After failing to locate their primary target at Sinysng, 27 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s, escorted by 10 23rd Fighter Group P-51s, attack rail and road bridges north of Chenghsien.
- 12 10th Air Force A-31s attack Kohima.
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Air Operations, Europe This night a raid on shipping at Portsmouth and Plymouth-Devonport begins a series of night raids lasting until May 29.
Evening Ops:
- 4 Mosquitos are sent to Cologne, 25 Stirlings lay mines off the French coast, and there are 9 OTU sorties.
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Air Operations, Japan 3 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s photograph and attack Matusuwa Island.
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Air Operations, New Guinea - 12 V Bomber Command B-25s attack Japanese Army ground troops in the Hollandia area.
- 5th Air Force bombers, fighter-bombers, and fighters attack various targets on Karkar Island and in the Hansa Bay area.
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Atlantic The cruiser Black Prince and 3 Canadian destroyers engage torpedo boats. T-29 is sunk killing 136. T-24 and T-27 are damaged.
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Britain, Home Front The Chancellor of the Exchequer promises tax relief for industry after the war.
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China The Japanese intensify offensive operations in Hunan Province with heavy attacks toward Chenghsien (Chengchow).
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New Guinea The Allied forces, strengthened by further landings in Humboldt Bay, push forward. The US 186th Inf Regt advances in this sector as far as Nefaar, beyond Lake Sentani. In the Aitape sector, American patrols carry out thrusts both to the east toward Wewak and to the west toward Hollandia.
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Images from April 25, 1944
American troops landing on beach in England during rehearsal for invasion of Nazi occupied France ('Exercise Tiger'). 25 April 1944
Invasion Rehearsal
US and British Generals at a Meeting in San Marco, Italy, 25 April 1944
Sherman Tanks Being Maintained at No. 8 AFV Depot, Leicester, 25 April 1944
Der Weißenburger Platz in Munich after the bombing raid on 25 April 1944