Air Operations, Carolines 5th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Woleai Atoll.
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Air Operations, CBI
- 11 10th Air Force B-25s attack a bivouac and supply dumps near Manywet.
- 24 A-31 attack Japanese Army positions around Tiddim.
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Air Operations, Central Pacific Following a fruitless search for shipping in the Wake Island area, VII Bomber Command B-24s attack Wake Island.
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Air Operations, Europe There is an abortive night raid on Hull.
Evening Ops:
- 357 Lancasters and 22 Mosquitos of Nos. 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups are sent to Cologne.
- This attack hits areas of Cologne which are north and west of the city center and mostly industrial in nature. 192 industrial complexes suffer varying degrees of damage along with 725 buildings described as dwellings with commercial premises attached. 7 railway facilities also suffer serious damage.
- A raid on railway yards at La Chapelle just north of Paris is the first major test for the new No. 5 Group marking method, with the group employing not only No. 617 Squadron's low-level markers but the 3 Pathfinder squadrons recently transferred from No. 8 Group. A few regular No. 8 Group Mosquitos are also used to drop markers by Oboe to provide a first indication of the target's location for the main No. 5 Group marking force. 247 Lancasters of No. 5 Group and 22 Mosquitos from 5 and 8 Groups are sent. The bombing force is split into two parts, with an interval between them of 1 hour, and each part of the force aiming at different halves of the railway yards. There are a few difficulties at the opening of the attack, with the markers of the Oboe Mosquitos being a fraction late and with communications between the various controlling aircraft being faulty, but these difficulties are soon overcome and both parts of the bombing force achieve extremely accurate and concentrated bombing.
- 196 aircraft are sent to Ottignies, about 35 miles southwest of Brussels. In this total are 175 Halifaxes, 14 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos. The southern half of the railway yard is extremely damaged.
- 175 aircraft including 154 Halifaxes, 14 Lancasters and 7 Mosquitos of Nos. 6 and 8 Groups accurately attack railways at Lens.
- 14 Stirlings, using the G-H blind bombing device are sent to bomb the railway depot at Chambly. Only 4 of the aircraft bomb and 1 of the Stirlings is lost.
- 8 Mosquitos are sent to Berlin, 30 Stirlings and 8 Halifaxes lay mines off French ports, 2 aircraft are on Resistance flights, and there are 25 Serrate and 8 Intruder patrols, and 14 RCM and 27 OTU sorties.
- 2 Serrate Mosquitos and 1 OTU Wellington are lost.
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Air Operations, New Guinea - 380th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based in Australia attack airfields on Noemfoor Island in the Schouten Islands.
- V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighters and fighter-bombers attack targets at and around Bunabun, Cape Croisilles, Hansa Bay, and Hollandia.
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Burma-India In the northeastern sector the Chinese 38th Div advances southward in the Mogaung valley toward Kamaing. It occupies Height 1725, previously held most tenaciously by rearguards of the Japanese 18th Div, which has the task of protecting the retirement of the main body on to the Wala-Malakawng line.
The Allied garrison on Summer House Hill, Kohima, is relieved by the British 2nd Div.
In India, in the XXXIII Corps sector, the British and Indian formations besieged by the Japanese at Kohima re reached by the British 2nd Div advancing from Dimapur. However, the Japanese hold on to the village and are still blocking the road to Imphal.
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Diplomatic Relations In response to Allied pressure Turkey stops chrome exports to Germany. There exists an alliance between Britain and Turkey. Seeing how the war is going, Turkey decides to respect it.
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Italy The Free French 1st Motorized Div begins to land in Naples. It is to be followed by other French forces early in May.
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Mediterranean - The Germans use Neger ('Negro') human torpedoes against shipping off Anzio. 37 are launched from the beaches without result.
- 6 Allied merchant ships are hit by torpedo planes near the Straits of Gibraltar.
- The US destroyer Lansdale (DD-426) is sunk by an aircraft torpedo in the western Mediterranean area.
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Pacific The Japanese submarine RO-45 is sunk by the US submarine Seahorse (SS-304) off the Marianas Islands.
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Images from April 20, 1944
Some Photos from Bundesarchiv Showing the Results of the Explosion of the Ship Vorboode in Bergen, 20 April 1944
Some Photos from Bundesarchiv Showing the Results of the Explosion of the Ship Vorboode in Bergen, 20 April 1944
A German Boat Carrying Loads of Ammunition Exploded in the Harbor of Bergen, Norway, 20 April 1944
The Explosion of SS Paul Hamilton, 20 April 1944