Chronology of World War II

March 1944

Monday, March 27

Air Operations, Carolines

  • 4 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Ponape Island.
  • In their first mission against the Truk Atoll, B-24s of the XIII Bomber Command’s 5th Heavy Bomb Group are thwarted by bad weather.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 8 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack supply dumps at Kamaing. 12 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and 16 10th Air Force P-38s and P-51s attack rail facilities near Kawlin and Meza. 2 B-25s and approximately 50 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack Japanese Army ground troops at Myitkyina and provide support for Allied ground troops at Kamaing. 60 A-31s attack targets of opportunity along the upper Chindwin River.
  • 80th Fighter Group P-40s and 311th Fighter Group P-51s down 13 Ki-49 'Helen' bombers and 14 escort fighters near Shimobwiyang and North Pass between 1110 and 1145 hours. A 20th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron P-40 makes that unit’s only victory claim of the war, a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter he downs near Shaduzup at 1150 hours.
  • More than 60 14 Air Force P-38s, P-40s, and P-51s attack a bridge and warehouse at Anyi, bridges at Kienchang and Puchi, Japanese Army ground troops and buildings at Kwanyinchow and Sienning, and the airfield at Nanching.
  • 6 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack rail cars, a bridge, and two factories near Viet Tri.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 14 Mosquitos are sent to Duisburg and 3 to Krefeld without a loss.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 200 5th Air Force bombers, fighter-bombers, and fighters attack a wide range of targets in and around Hansa Bay, Madang, Uligan, and Wewak.

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Air Operations, Solomons

Following an unsuccessful ground attack against the Piva Uncla and Pive Yoke airfields aon Bougainville, Japanese Army ground forces permanently withdraw from the Empress Augusta Bay region.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


During the next 9 days the convoy JW-58 sails from Iceland to Murmansk without loss. One feature of the battle is the number of German scout and bomber aircraft shot down by the planes of the escort carriers. In addition 3 U-boats are sunk.

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The Japanese begin to withdraw their forces from Empress Augusta Bay.

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Britain, Home Front

Churchill broadcasts on BBC on the war situation. He speaks of 'the panic and frenzy which prevail in Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria' and of 'the heroic struggles of the partisans in Yugoslavia under the leadership of Marshal Tito'.

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Ben Stopford's XXXIII Corps is put under Slim's control and ordered to concentrate at Dimapur before advancing to Kohima. A second brigade of 5th Div arrives at Imphal by air and the third brigade is being sent to Dimapur also for Kohima.

[larrlarr | rarrrarr2]

Eastern Front

Kamenets-Podolski is taken by 1st Ukraine Front. Gorodenka is also taken by other units of this formation. In the southern Ukraine the Russians are on the point of taking Nikolayev, only a little way from Odessa.


The 4th Tank Army (down to just 60 operational tanks) takes Kamenets Podolsky, virtually isolating the 1st Panzer Army between it, the 3rd Guards Army to the north (lately redeployed following the success of the attacks in the Dniepr elbow) and 18th and 38th Armies to the east. The 6th Tank moves along the Dniestr to the south and 40th Army on the Prut. Hube plans to break out to the west rather than to the south as expected.

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A small German coastal convoy is destroyed off Vado by a British torpedo boat squadron.

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US torpedo boats PT-121 and PT-353 are sunk by a friendly bomber in the Bismarck Archipelago area.

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Polish underground units are directed to make contact with the Russian arm in Poland.

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By agreement with the Rumanian government German troops occupy Rumania.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from March 27, 1944

General Douglas MacArthur, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz discuss Pacific war strategy at General MacArthur's headquarters, Brisbane, Australia, 27 March 1944

MacArthur and Nimitz in Brisbane

MacArthur and Nimitz in Brisbane

B-17s of the 95th Bomb Group with a P-47 Thunderbolt escort, 27 March 1944

B-17s with escort

A squad of crouching 37th Division soldiers advances to knock out an enemy-held position within its lines on Bougainville.

37th Division Soldiers Advancing

37th Division Soldiers Advancing

[March 26th - March 28th]