Chronology of World War II

March 1944

Tuesday, March 14

Air Operations, Carolines

During the night, 22 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s pass through Kwajalein to attack the seaplane base and an airfield on Truk. This is the first mission against the Japanese Navy base by land-based bombers from the Marshall Islands. 9 B-24s are unable to locate Truk in bad weather, but several of them are able to attack Ponope Island.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • 3 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s and more than 90 10 Air Force P-51s, P-40s, and A-36s attack Japanese Army ground troops, dumps, and occupied villages in the Mogaung Valley. 41 A-31s and RAF aircraft attack Japanese Army ground positions in the Chin Hills and the Arakan coastal region.
  • 20 Japanese bombers mount unchallenged attacks against the airfields at Hengyang and Suichwan.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 30 Mosquitos are sent to Düsseldorf, 2 Mosquitos make RCM sorties, and 3 Halifaxes are on Resistance operations.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 80 5th Air Force B-24s, B-25s, and A-20s attack targets in the Wewak area. 17 B-24s attack the airfield at Tadji. 12 A-20s attack an airfield at Alexishafen. 8 A-20s sweep the Madang area. Also, USAAF and RAAF aircraft attack pre-invasion targets on Manus Island.
  • 35th Fighter Group P-47s and 49th Fighter Group P-40s down 7 Japanese fighters over the Wewak area between 1105 and 1125 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

  • A VMF(N)-531 PV crew downs a floatplane near the Torokina airfield on Bougainville at 0214 hours.
  • Throughout the day, AirSols SBDs and TBFs drop 145 tons of bombs on Japanese Army ground troops and artillery ringing the embattled Bougainville perimeter. Japanese artillery fire this day is negligible. Also, 22 XIII Fighter Command P-39s and P-40s attack a Japanese Army assembly and bivouac area. P-38s, P-39s, and P-40s attack barges and targets of opportunity all along coastal Bougainville.
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The Americans take steps to consolidate the positions retaken around the defensive perimeter of the Cape Totokina beachhead.

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The 17th Indian Div starts its withdrawal a crucial 24 hours late. The Japanese have created 4 roadblocks on the route it must take to Imphal. To the north 20th Div is pulling back in a more controlled manner.

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Eastern Front

The Russians have isolated a few German units near Nikolayev north of Kherson. 10,000 Germans are killed in fighting in this area. Eventually 4,000 men are captured.


As the 8th Guards link up with the 28th Army, enveloping the right wing of the 6th Army, 14,000 soldiers of the XXIX Corps are encircled east of Nikolayev. Under heavy attack the group is force to surrender later in the day, 4,000 being captured and the bulk of the remainder killed.

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Occupied Italy

Virginio Gayda, retired editor of the Fascist newspater Giornale d'Italia, is killed in and air raid. He was 58.

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Southwest Pacific

Adm Nimitz proposes to Gen MacArthur that aerial attacks should be carried out by his aircraft carriers on Hollandia and nearby Japanese strongpoints in New Guinea in preparation for the invasion, and promises air support for the landing and

for a limited period

also for the land operations. Rear-Adm Theodore S. Wilkinson is given the task of directing operations for the capture of Emirea in the St Matthias Islands.

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United States, Politics

Willkie and Roosevelt top the polls in their parties' respective primary elections in New Hampshire.

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Images from March 14, 1944

An ACV (Armored Command Vehicle) of 23rd Brigade HQ at Francolise, 14 March 1944

An ACV (Armored Command Vehicle)

B-26 Marauders of the 394th Bomb Group at Still-unfinished Boreham Airfield, Essex, 14 March 1944

B-26 Marauders of the 394th Bomb Group

[March 13th - March 15th]