Chronology of World War II

November 1943

Tuesday, November 9

Air Operations, Bismarcks

V Fighter Command P-40s attack dumps at Gasmata, and patrolling V Bomber Command B-24s sink a Japanese destroyer near Kavieng, but the scheduled 5th Air Force mission to Rabaul is canceled because of bad weather over the target.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 18 Oboe Mosquitos attack blast furnaces at Bochum and a steelworks at Duisburg.
    • There are no losses.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

More than 40 V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s attack the airfield at Alexishafen. V Fighter Command P-38s, P-39s, and P-40s down 15 Japanese fighters in a series of engagements over Alexishafen, Lae, and Nadzab between 1015 and 1120 hours.

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Air Operations, Solomons

  • More than 20 AirSols B-24s attack the Kahili and Kara airfields on Bougainville.
  • 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kieta and the airfield at Buka.
  • AirSols light bombers and fighters attack the airfield at Ballale and the Kara airfield on Bougainville.
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Diplomatic Relations

44 Allied and Associated States establish the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

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Eastern Front

The Soviet forces have overcome the Germans resistance west of Kiev around Fastov, and are now advancing toward Zhitomir.


The XIII and VIII Corps break as the 3rd Guards Tank Army pushes toward Zhitomir.

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France, Politics

Gens Giraud, Georges and three others resign from the Committee of National Liberation as it is reorganized under the leadership of Gen de Gaulle. Giraud remains as Commander-in-Chief for the moment.

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Castiglione falls to the 8th Indian Div from 8th Army.

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Lebanon proclaims the end of the mandate with France. There are disorders in Beirut.

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The US submarine Wahoo (SS-238) is reported as presumed lost in the Pacific Ocean area.

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As 2 American regiments advance inland on Bougainville to extend their bridgehead they meet up with the main body of the Japansese 23rd Regt on the jungle tracks and a vicious battle develops that will continue over the next 3 days. The second wave of the landings begins with the arrival of most of the 37th Inf Div.

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Scenes from November 9, 1943

Marines at close quarters with Japanese of the 23rd Infantry Regiment during the Piva Road-Block action, 9 November 1943.

Marines During Piva Road-Block Action

Marines During Piva Road-Block Action
Machine gun crew of the 3d Raider Battalion engaging the Japanese enemy from a typical Bougainville foxhole during the Piva Road-Block action, 9 November 1943.

Raider Battalion Machine Gun Crew

Raider Battalion Machine gun Crew
Finschhafen Area, New Guinea, 9 November 1943. Matilda tanks carrying out training manoeuvers preparatory to their use in action against the Japanese strong posts in the Finschhafen Area (AWM 016096)

Tanks in Training

Tanks in Training
Finschhafen, New Guinea. 9 November 1943. A Matilda tank of 4th Australian Armoured Brigade ploughing ahead towards the battle area in an effort to drive the Japanese out of strongposts held near the Finschhafen area. The tank, named Clincher, has a logo on the front of a crocodile under a palm tree over a boomerang. Other unit identification markings have been whited out by the censor. (AWM 016100)

Matilda Heading Towards Battle Area

Matilda Heading Towards Battle Area

[November 8th - November 10th]