Chronology of World War II

November 1943

Monday, November 8

Air Operations, CBI

  • During the night, 5 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s sow mines in the Rangoon River.
  • 2 11th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25s attack the airfield at Kiungshan Airdrome. 6 14th Air Force P-40s attack a bridge at Hsiangyangchiao.
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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 7 Oboe Mosquitos bomb Cologne and Duisburg without a loss.
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Air Operations, Solomons

  • 22 AirSols B-24s attack the Bonis airfield on Bougainville. 6 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Kieta. 6 B-25s attack targets of opportunity on Bougainville.
  • 26 Japanese D3A 'Val' dive bombers and 71 A6M Zeros attack US Navy transports and warships in Empress Augusta Bay at noon, but they are intercepted by 28 AirSols fighters before they can do much damage. 1 transport is lightly damaged by two direct hits. 8 AirSols fighters are lost.
  • A VF-17 F4U downs a transport over the Buka airfield at 0710 hours. VF-17 F4Us down 3 A6M Zeros west of Bougainville at 1100 hours. VMF-212 F4Us down 3 D3A 'Val' dive bombers and VF-33 F6Fs down 4 more 'Vals' and 4 Ki-61 'Tony' fighters over Empress Augusta Bay at noon. XIII Fighter Command P-38s and P-40s down 8 'Vals' and 7 Zeros over Cape Torokina between noon and 1230 hours.
  • Between 1911 hours, November 8, and 0100 hours, November 9, 21 Rabaul-based B5N 'Kate' bombers, D3A 'Val' dive bombers, and G4M 'Betty' Bombers make unopposed attacks against a US Navu surface force off Bougainville. 10 bombers are downed by antiaircraft fire, but one light cruiser is damaged by 2 bombs and a torpedo.
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Battle of the Atlantic

During the night there is an abortive combined operation by U-boats and Condor aircraft west of Portugal. An RAF Fortress from the Azores sinks U-707.

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Eastern Front


The 3rd and 4th Shock Armies launch new attacks against the 3rd Panzer Army, gaining more ground around Nevel as the junction of the IX and LIII Corps is put under intense pressure.


The 4th Panzer Army is reinforced with the XXIV Panzer Corps and XLVIII Panzer Corps. Limited counterattacks are launched near Fastov. Vatutin is about to be caught in the same trap Manstein had sprung on him in the spring of 1943 around Kharkov when he neglected to note the buildup of German armor on his exposed flank.

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Germany, Home Front

In a speech in Munich Hitler promises retaliation for Allied 'terror' bombing.

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The battle on the 5th Army sector continues with no decisive success as both sides organize attacks and counterattacks. The 56th Div, British X Corps, US 5th Army, drives off a series of fierce counterattacks by German armored units under Gen Hans Hube near Calabritto. Units of the US VI Corps reach the summit of Monte Rotundo, and further north the 45th Div continues its efforts to take the hills north of Venafro and Pozzilli.

To the east, where Montgomery's 8th Army is operating, the 78th Div reaches the upper reaches of the Sangro River. Gen Traugott Herr, commander of the German LXXVI Pzr Corps, has withdrawn his regiments behind the north bank of the river. The weather is still very bad, and the state of the ground imposes a new lull in the operations.

Gen Harold Alexander, Commander-in-Chief of the XV Army Group, operating in Italy, prepares plans for an amphibious landing on the Tyrrhenian coast behind the 'Gustav' line.

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The Chamber of Deputies votes to amend the Constitution in defiance of the French Delegate Gen Jean Helleu.

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Scenes from November 8, 1943

Nov. 8, 1943, the first wave of Combat Team 148 goes ashore as the 37th Infantry Division lands at Empress Augusta Bay, on the island of Bougainville in the South Pacific.

37th Infantry Division Landing on Bougainville

37th Infantry Division Landing
Artillery tractors, trucks and jeeps seen on a road near the river Trigno, 8 November 1943.

Military Vehicles near the Trigno River

Military Vehicles near the Trigno
US Marines battle Japanese infantry on 8 November 1943 on Bougainville during the Battle of the Koromokina Lagoon

US Marines Battle Japanese Infantry

US Marines battle Japanese infantry

[November 7th - November 9th]