Chronology of World War II

October 1943

Monday, October 18

Air Operations, Bismarcks

Nearly 80 43rd, 90th, and 380th Heavy Bomb group B-17s and B-24s are sent to hit Rabaul, but abort in the face of bad weather. 54 38th and 345th Medium Bomb group B-25s, however, proceed at lower altitude and are able to attack the Tobera and Rapopo airfields at Rabaul and shipping from very low level. An estimated 70 Japanese airplanes are destroyed on the ground, and 2 ships are claimed as sunk. 2 B-25s and 1 crew are lost. Also, 7 of the heavy bombers are able to attack Cape Gloucester, 13 are able to attack Cape Hoskins, and 6 attack Sio (New Guinea).

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 360 Lancasters are sent to Hannover.
  • The target area is covered by cloud and the Pathfinders are not successful in finding Hannover. The raid is scattered with most of the bombs falling in open country north and northwest of the city. This raid concludes the current series of raids on Hannover. Bomber Command has dispatched 2,253 sorties in 4 raids and 10 American B-17 sorties have also been flown. 1,976 aircraft claim to have bombed in the target area. Only 1 raid has been completely successful that caused severe damage. 11O bombers have been lost on the raids, 4.9 per cent of those sent.
    • 18 Lancasters are lost on this raid.
Other Ops:
  • 11 Mosquitos are sent to Duisburg, 8 to Berlin and 11 more to 4 other targets. 6 Wellingtons lay mines off Texel and there are 12 OTU sorties. There are no losses.
  •  One of the Lancasters lost on the Hannover raid was the 5,000th Bomber Command aircraft lost on operations since the start of the war. By the end of this night, the bombers will have flown approximately 144,500 sorties 90 per cent of them by night and lost 5,004 aircraft 4,365 by night and 639 by day over enemy territory, crashed in the sea or shot down over England by German Intruders or 'friendly' defenses.
Prior to the night's mission, aircraft were air-tested during the afternoon to check the various systems. Pictured is a Lancaster III of No 207 Squadron.

Lancaster III of No 207 Squadron

Lancaster III of No 207 Squadron
The pilot of this 207 Squadron Lancaster brings his mount alongside his formation leader.

Another 207 Squadron Lancaster

Another 207 Squadron Lancaster
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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-25s attack roads around Bogadjim.

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Air Operations, Solomons

  • 28 XIII Bomber Command B-24s, more than 32 AirSols SBDs, and more than 50 fighters attack the airfield at Ballale.
  • More than 35 AirSols aircraft attack Kaskas and a military camp on Choiseul.
  • 1 VMF-214 F4U downs 2 A6M Zeros over the Fauro Islands at 1040. 2 347th Fighter Group P-38s down 1 Zero near Ballale at about 1050 hours. VMF-221 F4Us down 7 Zeros over Kahili at 1630 hours. VMF-214 F4Us down 7 more Zeros between the Kahili airfield at Bougainville and the airfield at Ballale at 1650 hours.
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Axis Diplomacy

Hitler confers with 2 Bulgarian Regents.

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Diplomatic Relations

A conference of the Allied powers takes place in Moscow, attended by Cordell Hull representing US President Roosevelt, British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov. The governments of the US, USSR, China and Britain make a number of declarations, including the early establishment of an international organization to maintain peace and security (the United Nations). Regarding German atrocities, the conference resolves: 'Those responsible... will be sent back to the countries in which their abominable deed were done in order that they may be judged and punished according to the laws of these liberated countries.' Britain and the US assure the USSr that a second front will be created by the following spring.

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Eastern Front

The fighting for Melitopol continues. The Soviets have now penetrated to the center of the town.


In Melitopol the 28th Army has penetrated to the city center, the 6th Army beginning to cave in under the repeated Soviet assaults.

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The US 3rd and 34th Divs reach Dragoni. After taking Roccaromana they prepare for the decisive attack to capture Dragoni and the bridges over the Volturno beyond it. Gioia is also taken. Montgomery's 8th Army launches a fresh offensive and pushes towards the Trigno River.

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Occupied Italy

The first trainloads of Jews leave Rome for the Auschwitz concentration camp despite many citizens handing over gold to save them.

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There is a heavy air attack on the Japanese air base at Buin on Bougainville. They also resume their attacks on Rabaul with considerable effect. Gen Haruyoshi Hyakutake, in command of the Japanese 17th Army, deploys his forces, about 33,000 men, for the defense of Bougainville. 25,000 are concentrated south of the island, near Buin and Kahili airfields, 5,000 on the north coast, aboutn 3,000 on the east coast where the mouths of several rivers might serve as possible landing sites.

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Scenes from October 18, 1943

Bending low and with their guns held ready for instant use, British infantrymen dash across a blasted railway bridge over the Volturno river to enter Cancello.

Crossing a Railway Bridge near Cancello

Crossing a Railway Bridge near Cancello
An Italian cyclist nonchalently hitches onto the back of a British 25-pounder as the mobile column passes a group of refugees returning from the hills to their homes.

Hitching a Ride

Hitching a Ride
Mitsubishi A6M3 Japanese fighters Kokutai 253 caught by surprise and attacked by American planes on the airfield at Tober, on October 18, 1943. To the right of the image shows a piece of metal fired by the explosions.

Japanese Fighters Caught on the Airfield at Tober

Japanese Fighters Caught on the Airfield
Personnel of the Saskatoon Light Infantry (M.G.) in Universal Carriers, Monacilione, Italy.

Saskatoon Light Infantry

Saskatoon Light Infantry
Pipers of the 48th Highlanders of Canada play in Campobasso shortly after its capture, 18 October 1943.

Pipers of the 48th Highlanders

Pipers of the 48th Highlanders

[October 17th - October 19th]