Chronology of World War II

November 1942

Tuesday, November 10

Air Operations, Aleutians

5 28th Composite Bomb Group B-24s and 1 B-17 sent to attack the Kiska submarine base are unable to attack the primary because of bad weather, but they drop most of their bombs on targets of opportunity on the island.

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Air Operations, Crete

376th Heavy Bomb Group B-17s attack the harbor at Candia.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 18 Bostons are sent to continue the attack on the ship at Le Havre, but find it has been moved; 15 planes attack the dock area.
    • 2 Bostons are lost crashing into the sea.
Evening Ops:
  • 42 aircraft lay mines from the southern Biscay coast to the Frisians.
    • No aircraft are lost in the operation until the return to England where 2 Lancasters crash.
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Air Operations, Libya

USAMEAF B-24s attack the harbor at Benghazi.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • 22d Medium Bomb Group B-26s attack antiaircraft emplacements at Sanananda and supply dumps between Sanananda and Soputa.
  • 3d Light Bomb Group A-20s attack defensive positions at Soputa.
  • 374th Troop Carrier Group transports airlift US Army infantry troops to Abels Field.
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Air Operations, Solomons

  • Only 2 of 31 Cactus Air Force F4Fs in the air are able to get into position to intercept 15 A6M Zeros attempting a fighter sweep over Guadalcanal. 1 Zero is shot down by a VMF-112 F4F at 1110.
  • 12 Cactus Air Force SBDs are dispatched against 5 Japanese troop-carrying destroyers located near Guadalcanal late in the day, but no hits are scored.
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Axis Diplomacy

Hitler, Laval and Ciano meet at Munich to discuss the situation in Africa and, as Hitler wishes, they decide to hold on to as much as possible.

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Britain, Home Front

Churchill, speaking at London's Mansion House, describes recent events in Africa as marking 'the end of the beginning' of the Allied efforts.

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Eastern Front

In response to intelligence reports of a Soviet buildup, some German units from XLVIII Pzr Corps are sent from around Stalingrad to bolster the reserves supporting 3rd Rumanian Army to the north.

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The 7th Marines and the 2nd Battalion of the 164th Infantry continue the reduction of the enemy pocket astride Gavaga Creek. An unsuccessful attempt is made to close the gap in the line. The westward offensive toward Kokumbona is renewed under the command of the CO of the 2nd Marines. The 1st Battalion of hte 164th Infantry and the 2nd Marines, less the 3rd Battalion, attack west from Point Cruz with the 8th Marines protecting the left rear.

Carlson's patrol reaches the lines of 2nd Bn, 7th Marines, and verifies the report of a boxed in Japanese unit. 2 more companies reach Carlson doubling his strength. The Cactus Air Force shoots down 1 Zero during day. In the evening search planes find 5 destroyers 210 miles north of Guadalcanal coming to land more troops during darkness. 17 fighters and 8 dive bombers attack destroyers but make no hits. The Minesweeper Southard attacks and sinks the Japanese submarine I-172 off San Cristobal Island.

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  • U-431 sinks the British destroyer Martin northeast of Algiers with the loss of 161 of her crew. There are 63 survivors.
  • The British sloop Ibis is sunk by German bombing in the Western Mediterranean with the loss of 107 of her crew.
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New Guinea

The Australian 16th Bde forces the Japanese back form Oivi towards the mouth of the Kumusi River. After a fierce battle lasting 2 days the Australian 25th Bde takes Gorari. The Japanese force at Oivi is, therefore, cut off and with it Gen Horii.

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North Africa


François Darlan reads over the radio a proclamation in which he orders French forces in Algeria and Morocco to cease all resistance to the Allies. A similar appeal to sail and join the Allies is sent to the powerful French Fleet at Toulon. Units of the 1st Div and Combat Command B, 1st Armored Div, converge on Oran. Elements of the 16th Regimental Combat Team are in the city at 0830. The armored columns enter Oran from the south before the French commanding general surrenders at 12:30p.m.


French resistance in the Port-Lyautey area ceases. The airport is repaired at once and by noon 12th Air Force fighter squadrons from the aircraft carrier Chenango land there. US forces from Fedala close in on Casablanca and prepare for a concerted assault at dawn on the 11th. Combat Command B, 2nd Armred Div, breaks off its drive toward Marrakech from the Safi area and marches toward Mazagan in order to conserve strength for the attack on Casablanca. US naval forces engage French ships at Casablanca.

US Battleship New York (BB-34) off North Africa

US Battleship <i>New York</i> (BB-34) off North Africa

Pursuing the Enemy along a Flooded Road

Pursuing the Enemy along a Flooded Road
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The US high speed minesweeper Southard (DMS-10) sinks the Japanese submarine I-15 5 miles off Hada Bay, the northwest point os San Cristobal Island, Solomons.

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Secret War

The Swiss Joint Federal Assembly rejects the appeals against death sentences imposed on 3 Swiss soldiers, Zürcher, Feer and Schmrämli, convicted of passing details of Switzerland's alpine defenses to foreign Powers.

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Vichy France

Marshal Pétain announces that he has taken command of French sea, land and air forces.

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[November 9th - November 11th]