Chronology of World War II

March 1942

Tuesday, March 24

Air Operations, CBI

  • 10 1st AVG Fighter Squadron P-40s based at Kunming Airdrome, China, and staging through bases at Loiwing, Burma and Namsang, Burma strafe Chiengmai Airdrome, Thailand between 0710 and 0725 hours. 15 Japanese Army bombers are destroyed on the ground to a loss of 2 P-40s from ground fire.
  • Maj John Van Kuren Newkirk, 'Scarsdale Jack', the top fighter ace of the American Volunteer Group, the 'Flying Tigers', with 25 victories, is killed during a sweep of Chiang Mai airfield, Thailand. He was 28.
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Air Operations, Europe

  • 12 Bostons are sent to the Comines power station and 6 more to the Abbeville railway yards. The bombing results are not observed. No planes are lost.
  • 35 planes of 3 Group and 5 Group lay mines off Lorient. 1 Hampden and 1 Lancaster are lost. These are the first losses in 11 days and nights for Bomber Command. The Lancaster lost is the first such aircraft to be lost on an operation. The aircrew is also lost.
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U-655 is operating against convoy QP-9 when spotted by the minesweeper HMS Sharpshooter. The ship rammed the U-boat at 13kts, rolling the submarine over.


ClassType VIIC
CO Kapitänleutnant Otto Dumrese
Location Arctic, SE of Bear Island
Cause Ramming
Casualties 45
Survivors None
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Britain, Home Front

The British Army Air Corps is formed.

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Gen Alexander and Chiang Kai-shek meet to discuss plans for the cooperation of Chinese and British forces. Japanese troops make a surprise attack near Toungoo in central Burma and achieve considerable success putting the Chinese 200th Div and the Burmese defenders to flight, almost completely surrounding the town. The British forces to the west of Prome withdraw farther up Burma, as the Chinese defeat leave them in danger of being outflanked.

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Eastern Front

It is reported by the Russians that the Germans have lost 16,000 men on the Leningrad front during the last 2 weeks.


The encircled 33rd Army and Group Belov are ordered to fight their way free and effect a junction with the 50th Army.

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Egypt, Home Front

In the general election the Wafdists, or Nationalists, win an overwhelming victory.

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Jews Deported From Lower Franconia

Jews Deported From Lower Franconia

Items Belonging to the Jews at the Kitzingen Train Station

Items Belonging to the Jews at the Kitzingen Train Station


Cruising off Malta, the destroyer Southwold hits an Italian floating mine and sinks off La Valletta harbor with the loss of 5 crewmen.

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Occupied Poland

Gen Sikorski visits Roosevelt in Washington.

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New Guinea

Port Moresby is heavily bombed.

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On Luzon the Japanese begin a series of land and air bombardments in the Bataan peninsula. Aircraft based on the island attack Corregidor incessantly, and also begin a series of night raids.

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Two Small Children of Japanese Evacuees

Two Small Children of Japanese Evacuees

[March 23rd - March 25th]