Chronology of World War II

March 1942

Saturday, March 21

Air Operations, CBI

Japanese Army bombers and fighters open a 24-hour assault against Magwe Airdrome, Burma. 3rd AVG Fighter Squadron P-40s down 2 Ki-27s at 1430 hours. 9 RAF Blenheim bombers and 3 AVG P-40s are destroyed on the ground and 3 RAF Spitfire fighters are shot down by Japanese Army fighters.

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Air Operations, Europe


1 Wellington is sent to Essen but returns due to lack of clouds.

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Air Operations, Mediterranean

There are heavy raids on Malta.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The unarmed US tanker Esso Nashville is torpedoed by U-124 off the Frying Pan Lightship Buoy. Survivors are rescued by the US high speed transport McKean (APD-5) and the Coast Guard cutters Tallapoosa (WPG-52) and Agassiz (WPC-126).

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Britan, Home Front

'Warship Week' is observed in London. The business community and the public raise 146 million pounds. 1,178 local 'Warship Weeks' had been held in 1941-42 raising a total of 546 million pounds. The earlier 'War Weapons Weeks' had raise 451.5 million pounds.

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Britain, Politics

The British Government announces that post-war India will achieve a semi-independent status from the British Empire.

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Damaged Esso Nashville

Damaged <i>Esso Nashville</i>


The 1st Burma Div is deployed on the Irrawaddy front, leaving a vast sector south of Toungoo open. The defense of this town and the line Toungoo-Prome is undertaken by the Chinese 5th Army in collaboration with the British. Japanese attacks on the airfields reduce further the already low strength of the Allied aircraft defending this area. A ferry command was activated in the CBI theater with 25 Pan-American transports being pressed into airlift service.

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Diplomatic Relations

China and the US complete arrangements for $500 million in aid to go to the Chungking government.

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Eastern Front

The units of the German 16th Army surrounded at Demyansk begin attempt to break out. The Germans attack with 4 divisions. However, the thaw holds them up, and it is not until a month later that these 4 divisions manage to re-establish contact with their army.


Seydlitz-Kurzbach begins the relief attack toward Demyansk. The Germans have to overcome the Soviets around Staraya Russa before advancing toward the pocket. Heavy fighting rages around the town over the next few days as the Germans meet furious resistance from the firmly dug in 11th and 1st Shock Armies.

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Bombing Attacks on Malta Increase

Bombing Attacks on Malta Increase


British motor launches ML-129 and ML-132 are bombed and sunk off the coast of Algeria. 7 are lost and 23 are interned at Bône.

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Gen Wainwright establishes his headquarters on the fortified island of Corregidor. His chief of staff is Gen Lewis C. Beebe, while Gen Edward. P. King takes command of American and Filipino forces on the island of Luzon. Corregidor features a labyrinth of bomb-proof underground tunnels and food stocks sufficient to feed 10,000 men for six months. Its strategic position astride Manila Bay makes its occupation a vital war aim for the Japanese.

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[March 20th - March 22nd]