Chronology of World War II

Nobember 1941

Thursday, November 6th

German Raiders

The German blockade runner Odenwald, carrying a cargo of rubber from Japan and disguised as American merchant ship Willmoto, is captured in the American Security Zone off the Brazilian coast by the US cruiser Omaha (CL-4) and destroyer Somers (DD-381). This is the first success for the increasingly extensive US patrols in the Atlantic.

USS Omaha (CL-4), in right center, standing by the German blockade runner Odenwald, which has a U.S. boarding party on board, in the South Atlantic, 6 November 1941. Photographed from USS Somers (DD-381). (U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph)

USS Omaha (CL-4) and German Blockade Runner Odenwald

USS <i>Omaha</i> (CL-4) and German Blockade Runner <i>Odenwald</i>
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Japan, Planning

The Japanese Southern Army is ordered to prepare for attacks on the Philippines, Malaya, Thailand and the East Indies.

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The British steamer Thistlegorm (4898t), carrying munitions, is sunk by German bombing in the inner channel of the Strait of Jubal with the loss of 9 of her crew.

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Soviet Union, Home Front

The anniversary of the October Revolution is celebrated in Moscow's Mayakovsky underground railway station. In a major public speech, Stalin calls on the peoples of the Soviet Union to increase their efforts to defend 'holy Russia'. He also demands that a 'Second Front' be opened in western Europe. Minimizing the Soviet losses and exaggerating those of the enemy, he claims that the German forces are worn out having taken almost 5,000,000 casualties compared to 1,800,000 for the Red Army and predicts the 'inevitable doom' for Hitler.

German Stuka dive-bombers, in flight heading towards their target over coastal territory between Dniepr and Crimea, towards the Gate of the Crimea on November 6, 1941.

German Stuka dive-bombers

German <i>Stuka</i> dive-bombers
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United States, Politics

Upon approval by Congress, Pres Roosevelt announces that a loan of $1,000,000,000 is to be given to the USSR to help finance the acquisition of Lend-Lease supplies.

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United States, Preparations

A committee of the US Natioan Academy of Sciences recomment the immediate construction of an atomic bomb.

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[November 5th - November 7th]