Chronology of World War II

November 1939

Friday, November 17th

Allied Planning

The Supreme Allied Council meeting in Paris endorses Gen Maurice Gamelin's Plan D (see May 10, 1940). In case of a German attack through Belgium it is decided to defend a line from the Meuse to Antwerp. In past years Marshal Henri Philippe Pètain had opposed extension of the Maginot Line up to the Meuse on the grounds that the terrain in the Ardennes 'would make any attempted invasion in that sector impossible'.

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Baltic Sea

The Swedish steamer Valapariso is seized by German warships for contraband violations.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The German steamer Henning Oldendorf (3986t) is captured by the British light cruiser Colombo near Iceland. She is escorted to Kirkwall where she is later placed in British service under the name Empire Industry.
  • U-57 sinks the Lithuanian steamer Kaunas 6-1/2 miles WNW of Noordhinder Light Vessel with 1 crewman lost. 15 survivors are picked up.
  • During the night German destroyers Hermann Künne and Wilhelm Heidkamp lay 180 magnetic mines in the Thames Estuary. 7 merchant ships grossing 27,565 tons are sunk and one more is damaged in the field.
  • U-19 lays mines off Orfordness during the night. The British destroyer Gipsy and 1 merchant ship are lost in this field.
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Czechoslovakia, Politics

A Czechoslovak National Committee is established in Paris by ex-President Benes. It is recognized by Britain and France in mid-December.


Germany, Home Front

Hitler orders Deutschland to be renamed Lützow to avoid the possibility of a ship bearing his country's name being sunk.

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Occupied Czechoslovakia

International Students' Day Begins

International Students' Day Begins

[ Nov 16th - Nov 18th]