Chronology of World War II

Friday, November 17th

International Students' Day Begins

International Students' Day Begins

During late 1939 the Nazi occupants in Czechoslovakia (at that time it was called the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia), in Prague, suppresses a demonstration held by students of the Medical Faculty of the Charles University. The demonstration is held to commemorate the creation of an independent Czechoslovak Republic.

This demonstration resulted in Jan Opletal’s death. November 15th is the date when he was meant to be transported from Prague back to his home in Moravia. His funeral procession consists of thousands of students, who turn this event to yet another anti–Nazi demonstration. This however results in drastic measures being taken by the Nazi’s. All Czech higher education institutions are closed down; more then 1200 students are taken and sent to concentration camps; and the most hideous crime of all: nine students/professors are executed without trial on the 17th of November. Due to this the date of 17th November was chosen to be the International Students’ Day.