Chronology of World War II

September 1939

Friday, September 22nd

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Arkenside (2694t) is sunk by U-7 25 miles southwest of Bergen. The entire crew is rescued.
  • U-4 captures the Finnish steamer Martti Ragnar (2262t) 50 miles off Arendal, Norway, tows her to a point 5 miles south of Arendal before scuttling her with explosive charges. None of the crew is lost.
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Britain, Home Front

Wartime shortages settle in as gasoline rationing begins.
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Occupied Poland

The NKVD begins rounding up thousands of Polish officers and deporting them to the Soviet Union. Many will be executed at Katyn Wood in 1940.
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Poland - The rapidly advancing Soviet troops take Lvov.

Entry of the Red Army into Lvov, Poland

Entry of the Red Army into Lwow

Soviet Military Rolls into Lvov

Soviet Military Rolls into Lwow, Poland
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

[ Sept 21st - Sept 23rd]