Battle of the Atlantic- The British steamer Arkenside (2694t) is sunk by U-7 25 miles southwest of Bergen. The entire crew is rescued.
- U-4 captures the Finnish steamer Martti Ragnar (2262t) 50 miles off Arendal, Norway, tows her to a point 5 miles south of Arendal before scuttling her with explosive charges. None of the crew is lost.
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Britain, Home Front Wartime shortages settle in as gasoline rationing begins.
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Occupied Poland The NKVD begins rounding up thousands of Polish officers and deporting them to the Soviet Union. Many will be executed at Katyn Wood in 1940.
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Poland - The rapidly advancing Soviet troops take Lvov.
Entry of the Red Army into Lvov, Poland
Soviet Military Rolls into Lvov
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