Battle of the Atlantic- The German steamer Minden (4318t) scuttles herself when intercepted by the British light cruiser Calypso 330 miles northwest of Cape Wrath. The crew is taken aboard the light cruiser Dunedin and taken to Scapa Flow.
- The French merchant ship Phryne(2660t) is sunk by a mine about 3 miles east of the Aldeburgh Light Vessel laid by U-13 on the 4th. Survivors are rescued by the British destroyers Brazen and Boreas and taken to Tyne later this day.
- U-34 captures the Estonian steamer Hanonia off the Norwegian coast. The ship is taken to Hamburg where it is later placed in German service.
- U-4 sinks the Swedish steamer Gertrud Bratt 10 miles off Jomfruland, southeastern Norway.
- The British steamer Hazelside is sunk by U-31 10 miles southeast of Fastnet. 12 crewmen are lost, 22 are injured and rescued.
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Poland The Germans isolate Modlin Fortress, north of Warsaw. The Russians enter the Galician oilfields.
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