Chronology of World War II

December 1940

Battle of the Atlantic

Bad weather hampers the main U-boat operations with only one convoy, HX-90, being attacked during the month. There are some successes for the U-boats off Portugal and West Africa. They sink 37 ships out of a total loss of 82.(Allied Ships Lost to U-boats)

The Blitz

British civilian casualties this month are 3,793 dead with 5,244 injured. German targets include London, Sheffield and Liverpool. The attack on London on 29/30 December is heavy and destructive.

Sunday, December 1st


  • The armed merchant cruiser Forfar (16,400t) is sunk by U-99 west of Ireland. 172 were killed with 18 survivors.
  • In the South Atlantic near Cape Verde, the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer sinks the British steamer Tribesman (6242t) with the loss of 8 of her crew. 14 survivors are made prisoners of war.
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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-37 sinks the British steamer Palmella (1587t), a straggler from Convoy OG-46, southwest of Oporto with the loss of 1 crewman. 28 survivors are picked up by the Spanish trawler Navemar.
  • U-101 sinks the British tanker Appalachee (8826t) from Convoy HX-90 340 miles west of Bloody Foreland with the loss of 7 of her crew. 32 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Heliotrope.
  • The British tanker British Officer (6990t) sinks on a mine one quarter mile east of North Pier Light, Tyne. 5 of the crew are lost.
  • The Norwegian steamer Oslofjord (18,673t) about a half mile southwest of T2 Buoy, Tyne, with the loss of 1 crewman.
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The Blitz

During the night Bristol is raided by 120 aircraft. Serious damage is done in some residential areas. Southampton is hit again with a 6-hour assault by 130 aircraft. The dock area suffers light damage, but the damage in the city itself is extensive due to fires. 2 factories and 1 mill are hit. There are 140 civilian casualties.

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Italy, Home Front

Rationing begins for flour, rice, spaghetti and macaroni.

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North Sea

The Norwegian liner Oslofjord (18,700t) and a British tanker both hit mines and sink off the Tyne in the North Sea.

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Monday, December 2nd

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-37 sinks the Swedish steamer Gwalia (1258t), a straggler from Convoy OG-46, 230 miles north of Cape Roca, Portugal, with the loss of 16 crewmen. 4 survivors are picked up by a British destroyer and landed at Gibraltar. U-37 next sinks the British steamer Jeanne M. (2465t) from Convoy OG-46. 7 of the crew are lost; 19 survivors are picked up by the British anti-submarine trawler Erin.
  • U-43 attacks Convoy HX-90 and sinks the British steamer Pacific President (7113t) and the British tanker Victor Ross (12,247t) west-southwest of Rockall. The entire crew of 52 from the Pacific President is lost as is the crew of 44 from the Victor Ross.
  • U-47 sinks the Belgian steamer Ville d'Arlon (7555t) from Convoy HX-90 with the loss of the entire crew of 56.
  • U-52 also attacks Convoy HX-90 and sinks the British steamers Tasso (1586t) and Goodleigh (1548t) about 360 miles west of Bloody Foreland. 5 crewmen are lost from the Tasso with 27 survivors being picked up by the British destroyer Viscount. 1 is lost from the Goodleigh with 36 survivors also being picked up by the Viscount.
  • In attacks on Convoy HX-90 U-94 sinks the British steamers Stirlingshire (6022t), Wilhelmina (6725t) and W. Hendrik (4360t) 280 miles northwest of Bloody Foreland. 74 survivors from Stirlingshire are picked up by the British steamer Empire Puma. 5 crewmen are lost from the Wilhelmina, but 34 survivors are picked up by the British corvette Gentian. 5 of the crew are lost from the W. Hendrik.
  • U-101 sinks the British steamers Kavak (2782t) and Lady Glanely (5497t) about 340 miles west of Bloody Foreland. 25 are lost from the Kavak with 16 being picked up by the Viscount. All 33 of the crew of the Lady Glanely are lost.
  • U-99 sinks the Norwegian steamer Samnanger (4276t) west of Ireland with the loss of all 30 of her crew.
  • U-140 sinks the British steamer Victoria City (4739t), a straggler from Convoy HX-90, west of Ireland with the loss of all 43 of her crew.
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Britain, Command

Various command changes for the Royal Navy are announced. Admiral John Cronyn Tovey is to succeed Admiral Sir Charles Forbes as Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet. Forbes goes to Plymouth Command. Admiral Henry Harwood becomes Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff.

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Diplomatic Relations

General Franco of Spain signs a financial pact with Britain which releases frozen Spanish assets in London. He also promises Britain and the US that Spain will stay out of the war and not help Germany in any way.

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The Blitz

Bristol is attacked by 122 bombers of Luftflotte III. They drop 100 tons of high explosives and 72,000 incendiaries. Decoy sites draw 66 bombs. 31 civilians are killed and 131 are badly injured. There is much damage to private and public buildings. The University and the Bishop's Palace are hit along with several churches and the Bristol Children's Hospital. To affect the economy again with the raid is again not achieved. A granary and a timber yard are hit and the railway line from Avonmouth to Filton is blocked, but the main activities of the port and the local factories are hardly slowed.

Damage in Bristol

Damage in Bristol
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Tuesday, December 3rd

Britain, Production and Supply

Britain announces that it has placed a first order with US yards for the construction of 60 merchant ships.


Greek-Albanian Front

The Greeks cross the Kalamas River and advance along the coast taking the village of Sarandë.

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The British cruiser Glasgow is damaged by Italian torpedo-bombers in Suda Bay, Crete.

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Wednesday, December 4th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-37 sinks the Swedish steamer Daphne (1513t), a straggler from Convoy OG-46, off the southwest coast of Spain. 18 of the crew is lost with 1 survivor.
  • The British special service vessel Empire Seaman is reported lost due to unknown causes.
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The Blitz

Birmingham is hit by 50 planes of Luftflotte III. They drop a variety of bombs and about 16,000 incendiaries.

Damage in Birmingham

Damage in Birmingham
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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greek forces continue their advance and enter Premeti (Përmet), taking over 500 prisoners. The Italians abandon the important supply base of Argyrokastro in southwestern Albania and the nearby port of Santi Quaranta.

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Thursday, December 5th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British submarine Sunfish sinks the Finnish steamer Oscar Midling (2182t) off Stadlandet with the loss of the entire crew.
  • The Italian submarine Argo sinks the British steamer Silverpine (5066t), a straggler from Convoy OB-252 with the loss of 36 of her crew.
  • British motor torpedo boats MTB-32, MTB-29 and MTB-31 attack German shipping off Flushing. The German steamer Paranagua (6062t) is sunk in the attack.
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Germany, Planning

An outline plan for the attack on the Soviet Union is presented to Hitler by the army. As in the last version it provides for a three-pronged attack, with the center force moving toward Moscow being the strongest. Hitler agrees to allow planning to go ahead on this basis but suggests some modifications (see December 18). He also orders planning for the attack on Greece to continue.

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The Blitz

75 bombers of Luftflotte III drop 90 tons of high explosives and 5,300 incendiaries on Portsmouth. The result is 1 serious, 9 medium and many small fires. There on 2 major fires in the dockyard; one on the Southern Railway Jetty and the other on Number 8 Dock. The fire in this area causes a loss of 1 former US Navy destroyer. In the raid 44 people are killed and 139 injured. A large number of businesses and private properties are destroyed. There is a bomb hit on the Carlton Cinema in Cosham High Street causing 43 casualties.

Damage in London

Damage in London
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German Raiders

The German disguised raider Thor damages the British armed merchant cruiser Carnarvon Castle (20,000t) off Rio de Janeiro.

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Greek-Albanian Front

The Italians, faced with an increasingly serious situation, have brought in substantial reinforcements through the port of Valona and the airfield at Tiranë including the Tridentina Alpine division, but a good number of them fall out as they march up to the line. They are extremely short of equipment; there are little or no reserves of ammunition and of woollen clothing (and in the very cold weather there are many cases of frostbite). None the less the Italian command succeeds in establishing a defensive line from Himarë (Klimara) along the coast to north of Sarandë on Lake Okhrida - largely because the Greeks, hardly motorized at all and entirely without armor, cannot exploit their successes. The pivot of the Italian line lies at the positions between Klisura (Këlcyrë) and Tepelenë (Tepeleni) in the Vijosë (Voiussa) valley. In the Pindus Mountains the Greeks advance towards Klisura. Klisura is lost and re-taken. Chaos reigns among the Italians. There is heavy fighting in the Vijosë valley and at Hill 731, Monastir.

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Friday, December 6th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Supremity (554t) sinks on a mine west-southwest of East Oaze Light Vessel in the Thames Estuary.
  • U-43 sinks the Norwegian steamer Skrim (1902t) west of Ireland with the loss of her entire crew of 23.
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The Blitz

Bristol is the target on this night. There is extensive damage in the city, especially to the railways and power supplies, but the civilian defenses are coping well with the emergencies.

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Diplomatic Relations

Thailand and Japan sign a friendship treaty.

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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greek advance north along the coast continues to go well. Sarandë is taken. In the Macedonian sector the Greeks advance along the valleys towards Elbasan.

Moving Equipment Near the Front

Moving Equipment Near the Front
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German Raiders

The German raider Orion sinks the Australian steamer Triona (4413t) near Nauru Island in the South Pacific with the loss of 4 aboard. The survivors are made prisoners of war.

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Italy, Command

Marshal Pietro Badoglio resigns his post as Italian Commander-in-Chief in the wake of the military disaster in Greece. His successor is General Count Ugo Cavallero.

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North Africa

In the first significant British land advance of the war, Wavell moves 31,000 men forward some 36 miles in Cyrenaica.

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Saturday, December 7th

Air Operations, Europe

The R.A.F. carry out night raids on Düsseldorf.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-99 sinks the Dutch steamer Farmsum (5237t), a straggler from Convoy OB-252, west of Ireland with the loss of 16 of her crew. 15 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Ambuscade.

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The Blitz

There are no raids on Britain, either day or night. This is the first such day (24 hour period) since 7 August.

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German Raiders

  • The German raider Passat mines the Tasmanian coast and the Bass Strait between Tasmania and Victoria, Australia.
  • The German raider Komet sinks the Norwegian steamer Vinni (5181t) 5 miles south of Nauru Island in the South Pacific without loss.
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The British submarine Regulus, which went on patrol on 23 November, is declared lost after failing to return from patrol in the Straits of Otranto with a crew of 55.

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Sunday, December 8th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-103 sinks the British steamer Calabria (9515t) 295 miles west of Slyne Head, County Galway. All 360 aboard are lost.
  • U-140 sinks the Finnish sailing vessel Penang (1997t) and the British steamer Ashcrest (5652t) off Bloody Foreland. All 18 of the crew of the Penang are lost as is all 38 aboard the Ashcrest.
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The Blitz

There is a fire raid on London by 413 aircraft with only 2 losses. In a 14-hour onslaught 380 tons of high explosives and 115,000 fire-bombs are scattered over many metropolitan and suburban districts and between London and the south and east coasts. All fires, however, are quickly controlled. 7 hospitals and 4 churches are hit. The greatest damage comes to areas close to the Thames. Bombs hit the Surrey Commercial Docks where the Night Blitz first started.

Also hit are the offices of the Port of London Authority. Marylebone Station, many shops and houses are also hit. A large parachute mine explodes outside Broadcasting House, but wireless transmissions are not stopped. Most of the damage is caused by incendiaries. Total number of fires: 9 major, 24 serious, 202 medium and 1489 small. 258 people are killed and 600 seriously injured.

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German Raiders

  • The German raider Orion sinks the Australian steamers Triadic (6378t) and Triaster (6032t) near Nauru Island in the South Pacific. 1 is lost from the Triadic and 11 British crewmen are made prisoners of war. 15 from the Triaster are also made prisoners of war.
  • The German raider Komet sinks the British steamer Komata (3900t) east of Nauru in ths South Pacific with the loss of 2 of her crew.
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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greek forces capture Argyrokastro and Delvino.

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Italy, Command

3 admirals are dismissed including Adm Domenico Cavagnari, the Italian Chief of Naval Staff. Adm Cavagnari is replaced by Adm Inigo Campioni.

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Monday, December 9th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Royal Sovereign (1527t) sinks on a mine in the North Sea with the loss of 1 crewman.
  • U-103 sinks the British steamer Empire Jaguar (5186t) about 300 miles west of Ireland with the loss of the entire crew of 37.
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Greek-Albanian Front

Pogradec on Lake Ohrid, more the 40 miles from the Greek frontier, falls to the Greek advance.

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Italy, Command

There are command changes and redistribution of ships and squadrons in the Italian navy. Adm Arturo Riccardi replaces Adm Cavagnari as Undersecretary of State and Head of Supermarina. Adm Angelo Iachino replaces Campioni as Fleet Commander-in-Chief.

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4 special task forces of the British Mediterranean Fleet are formed to bombard Italian positions and communications along the Egypt-Libya coast. Adm Iachino, the former Naval Attaché in London, is appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Fleet.

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North Africa

The British begin an offensive in the western desert called Operation COMPASS. Gen Richard Nugent O'Connor, in command of the 31,000-man strong Western Desert Force, leads two divisions, 7th Armored and 4th Indian, in the attack. They are supported by 7th Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) against whose Matilda tanks the Italians will have no answer. General Archibald Wavell is in Supreme Command in Egypt. The British force has few reserves and therefore the attack has comparatively limited objectives at first. Gen Rodolfo Graziani is the Italian Commander-in-Chief and he has about 80,000 men deployed the seven divisions of Gen Italo Gariboldi's Tenth Army in forward positions in Egypt. O'Connor's men began their advance from Mersa Matruh, 70 miles from the Italian front, three days previously and achieve complete surprise when they make their attack. The British outflank the Italians to the south and cut them off at Sidi Barrani.

Marching Past the Great Pyramids

Marching Past the Great Pyramids

The British Advance

The British Advance

Operation COMPASS

Operation C<small>OMPASS</small>

The Italians have done little since mid-September when they took Sidi Barrani but build a series of fortified camps in which they now sit. These camps do not give any real support to each other and will be very easily isolated.

The British attack is in the form of a left hook around behind the Italian coastal positions and owes much to the careful training which the troops have received in desert warfare. The Matildas are used to break into the Nibeiwa camp which is taken within 2 hours. The Italian commander here is Gen Pietro Maletti, who is caught by the attackers in his pyjamas and is killed. Then the Tummar West camp also falls during this first day.

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Tuesday, December 10th

Air Operations, Europe

Fliegerkorps X is ordered to transfer to southern Italy.

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Diplomatic Relations

Britain provides China with $40 million in loans.

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Germany, Home Front

In a speech to Berlin munitions workers, Hitler condemns the British aristocracy and 'financial magnates' and predicts: 'there will be no defeat of Germany, either by military or economic means, or by time.'

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North Africa

Sidi Barrani falls to the British attack. There are 20,000 prisoners already in the offensive. The coast road to the west has been cut by 7th Armored Division at Buq Buq. The remnants of the Italian troops start retiring westwards.

Italian Captives

Italian Captives
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Germany, Strategy

OKW issues a directive ordering the transfer of Fliegerkorps X to south Italy and Sicily. Field Marshal Erhard Milch has been in Rome during the past few days to discuss the measures to help the Italian navy.

Hitler issues a directive for Operation ATTILA the future occupation of Vichy France and for the seizure of French military resources. Plans are also begun for Operation FELIX, the invasion of Gibraltar via Spain.

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The Italian steamer Marangona (5257t) sinks 27 miles south of Pantelleria on an Italian mine.

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United States, Policy

Roosevelt announces an extension of the export-license system. Iron ore, pig iron and many important iron and steel manufactures are brought within the system. Like previous measures this is aimed at Japan. The changes come into effect at the end of the year.

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Wednesday, December 11th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-94 sinks the British steamer Empire Statesman (5306t), a straggler from Convoy SLS-56, west of Ireland with the loss of her entire crew of 32.
  • In attacks on Convoy HX-92 U-96 sinks the British steamer Rotorua (10,890t) and the Dutch steamer Towa (5419t) about 100 miles west of St Kilda. 22 are lost from the British ship. 110 survivors are picked up by the British minesweeping trawler Varanga, the British minelayer Alsey and the British minesweeping trawler Ebor Wyke. 18 crewmen are lost from the Dutch ship. 16 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Matabele.
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The Blitz

There is a heavy night raid on Birmingham by 278 aircraft from both Luftflotten. They drop high explosives and 25,000 incendiaries. Fires start in both residential and industrial areas. Among the plants hit are the Fisher and Ludlow Works and the W. T. Avery Factory. 6 churches, 11 schools and several hundred houses are damaged. 100 people are killed and another 235 are seriously injured.

Bomb Damage in Norwich

Bomb Damage in Norwich
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North Africa

Sollum is bombarded by ships from Cunningham's fleet. Italian troops resist Wavell's forces bravely at Fort Capuzzo and Sidi Omar. Wavell's attacks have ruined five of the seven Italian divisions they have met and they are all rapidly retreating from Egypt. Surrendering to the British are the 4th Blackshirt and the 1st and 2nd Libyan divs. Some 14,000 more prisoners are taken, many of whom come from the Catanzaro Div which is expelled from positions near Buq Buq.

Italian Captives

Italian Captives
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Thursday, December 12th

Axis Diplomacy

Germany informs Franco that Gibraltar will be attacked on 10 January. Spain is asked to join the operation. Franco refuses saying Britain would promptly occupy the Spanish and Portuguese islands in the east Atlantic. Without Spain's participation, Hitler abandons the Gibraltar operation.

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Balkans, Politics

A treaty of friendship, the 'Friendship Pact', is signed in Belgrade by Yugoslavian and Hungarian representatives. By this token of good relations with a German client the Yugoslavs hope to improve their own relations with Germany.

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Battle of the Atlantic

In more attacks on Convoy HX-92 U-96 sinks the Swedish steamer Stureholm (4575t) and the Belgian steamer Macedonier (5227t) 10 miles south of St Kilda, Hebrides. 4 crewmen are lost from the Macedonier, 37 survivors are picked up by the Icelandic ship Sulan. All 32 of the crew of the Stureholm are lost.

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The Blitz

There is a heavy German night bombing raid on Sheffield. In Operation CRUCIBLE 336 bombers from Luftflotte III are involved. He-111s of II/KG55 drop a combination of flares and large high explosive bombs as a prelude to the 9 hours of bombing that follows. More that 350 tons of high explosives and incendiaries are dropped starting numerous fires. It is a devastating raid but factory buildings and machinery are undamaged. The city center is badly affected. The greatest number of casualties occurs at Marples Hotel at Fitzalan Square and High Street which collapses on its basement. 75 people were using it as a shelter. After 12 days of search and rescue, only 7 are pulled out alive. Many streets are blocked by debris and wrecked tramcars. There is also heavy damage in King Street and the Moor. One of the reasons that damage to commercial property was so great is lack of fire-watchers.

Bombing of Sheffield

Bombing of Sheffield

Caves in Hastings

Caves in Hastings
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North Africa

The only Italian troops left on Egyptian soil, apart of course from the prisoners, are those holding up the British advance on Sollum and the forces in the neighborhood of Sidi Omar. Wavell is not able to follow up his success as vigorously as he would have wished because 4th Indian Div is about to be withdrawn for service in the Sudan.

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Friday, December 13th

Battle of the Atlantic

The German steamer Schwalbe (842t) is lost in a stranding off the Finnish south coast.

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Germany, Planning

Hitler issues Directive 20 giving orders for the further preparation of the invasion of Greece, Operation MARITA. The German forces in Rumania are accordingly increased to a total of 24 divisions.

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  • The British cruiser Coventry is damaged by the Italian sub Neghelli off the coast of Libya.
  • The British submarine Truant sinks the Italian steamer Sebastino Bianchi (1546t) east-northeast of Cape Spartivento.
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North Africa

A small British force has entered Libya and now cuts the road leading west from the important Italian position at Bardia.

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Vichy France

Pétain dismisses and arrests Pierre Laval and appoints Pierre Flandin as foreign minister in his place.

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Saturday, December 14th

Air Operations, Europe

There is an R.A.F. night raid on Naples. The cruiser Pola is damaged.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British submarine Thunderbolt sinks the Italian submarine Tarantini off Bordeaux.
  • U-96 sinks the British steamer Western Prince (10,926t) about 400 miles west of Cape Wrath with the loss of 15 of her crew. 98 crew members and 55 passengers are picked up by the British steamer Baron Kinnaird. 1 crewman is picked up by the British destroyer Active.
  • U-100 sinks the British steamers Kyleglen (3670t) and Euphorbia (3380t) west of Ireland. All 36 of the crew are lost from the Kyleglen as well as all 34 from the Euphorbia.
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Irish Republic

IRA internees set fire to Curragh Camp near Dublin and fight with troops and Garda (police). 4 people are injured. An IRA man is shot and killed in further clashes on the 15th.


The British destroyers Hereward and Hyperion sink the Italian submarine Naiade off Bardia. 25 of the submarine's crew are rescued.

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Sunday, December 15th

Air Operations, Europe

There are R.A.F. night raids on Berlin and Naples where an Italian cruiser is damaged.

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Battle of the Atlantic

The British steamer N. C. Monberg (2301t) from Convoy FS-360 is sunk by German motor torpedo boat S-58 east of Yarmouth with the loss of 9 of her crew.

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The Blitz

There is a follow-up raid on Sheffield to the one made 3 nights previous in the Luftwaffe pattern of Doppelgänger (Double Attack). 11 planes of KG100 open the attack by dropping 11,500 incendiaries followed by about 80 more dropping both high explosives and incendiaries.

Damage in Sheffield from the 2 Raids

Damage in Sheffield from the 2 Raids

Leeds, Barnsley and Batley are also hit, but by bombs probably meant for Sheffield. Fire becomes a major problem this night. Several factories are hit, the railway line to York is blocked, and many houses are damaged. 1,200 businesses are hit affecting the employment of thousands. Almost 6,000 people are left homeless. In the two raids 750 people are killed and 500 are seriously injured. A big problem after this raid is the unexploded bombs; 394 are dropped.

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North Africa

British troops take Halfaya Pass on the Libyan border and now have a route through to central Cyrenaica. The Italian 10th Army has withdrawn to Bardia and reinforcements have been brought to Tobruk and the defensive line inland from Dernia.

British Tanks

British Tanks
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Monday, December 16th

Air Operations, Europe

The R.A.F. carry out its first 'area bombing' raid on a German city referred to as Operation ABIGAIL. During the night 134 aircraft are sent to Mannheim. 103 bombers make it to Mannheim and in 6 hours 89 tons of high-explosive bombs and 14,000 incendiaries are dropped. The main target is a plant producing submarine engines, but it is not hit. 5 other industrial plants are hit, 1 seriously. Large fires are started on both banks of the Rhine. Casualties are 23 killed and 80 injured. Other targets include Speyer-am-Rhein and Heilbronn. Basle, Switzerland is accidentally bombed and 4 people are killed. (See February 18, 1941).

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-37 sinks the Spanish steamer San Carlos (223t) off Cape Juby with the loss of 1 crewman.

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Artillery Signalers in Palestine

Artillery Signalers in Palestine


  • There are further British and Italian fleet operations in the next few days. Valona in Albania is shelled by the British battleships Valiant and Warspite. The Italians are also active in support of their armies in Albania with Lukova, just north of the Corfu Channel being shelled. The British carrier Illustrious attacks airfields on Rhodes and sends strikes against Italian convoys.
  • The British submarine Truant sinks the Italian tanker Bonzo (8177t) off Punta Stilo.
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Tuesday, December 17th


When running trials after a refit, the British destroyer Acheron hits a mine and sinks off the Isle of Wight with a loss of 151 men. 15 men survived.

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Battle of the Atlantic

Lost on mines between No. 1 and No. 2 Sea Reach Buoy off Southend are the British steamers Inver (1543t), Malrix (703t), Beneficent (2944t), Aqueity (370t) and Belvedere (869t). 17 crewmen are lost on the Inver, 8 from the Malrix, 6 from the Beneficent, 6 from the Aqueity and 4 from the Belvedere.

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North Africa

The British forces occupy Fort Capuzzo, Sollum and 3 other Italian positions near the Egypt-Libya border. The Italian garrisons of these places have withdrawn to the Bardia fortress. 20,000 captured Italians are to be sent to India and interned at Ahmednagar, Ramgarh and Deolali.

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Children of the Tripartite

Children of the Tripartite

United States, Politics

Pres Roosevelt gives a press conference outlining a scheme which he plans to introduce to bring further aid to Britain which he will call Lend-Lease. His argument is that if a neighbor's house is on fire it is only sensible to lend him a hose to stop the fire spreading to your own house, and that it would be stupid to think of asking for payment in such circumstances. He says, 'it is important from the selfish viewpoint of American defense that we should do everything to help the British Empire defend itself.'

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Vichy France

Laval is released after intervention by the German ambassador in Paris, Otto Abetz.

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Wednesday, December 18th


The German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer captures the British steamer Duquesna (8651t) in the South Atlantic. 91 crew and 8 passengers are made prisoners of war.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British tanker Osage (1010t) is sunk by German bombing 4 miles northeast of Arklow Light Vessel, County Wicklow. The entire crew is rescued.
  • The German steamer Birkenfels (6322t) sinks on a mine laid by British MTBs off the Schelde.
  • The Italian submarine Veniero sinks the Greek steamer Anastassia (2883t) from dispersed Convoy SC-15. 18 of the crew are lost, 10 are made prisoners of war.
  • U-100 sinks the British steamer Napier Star (10,116t) 320 miles west of Rockall with the loss of 71 passengers and crew. 14 survivors are picked up by the Swedish steamer Vaalaren.
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Britain, Home Front

10,969 evacuees have now arrived from Gibraltar.

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Germany, Planning

Hitler issues Directive 21. Its message is simple: 'The German Armed Forces must be prepared, even before the conclusion of the war against England, to crush Soviet Russia in a rapid campaign.' The projected operation is given the code name BARBAROSSA. It is to take place in May 1941 and it will involve the conquest of the Caucasus. Establishing a line from the Volga River in the south up to Archangel in the north will be the aim of the German forces.

Hitler has modified the draft plans prepared by the army in one important respect. Although 3 lines of attack are still suggested, Hitler's scheme reduces the importance which has been laid on the advance to Moscow. He suggest that after the first battles the center group should swing north to help clear the Baltic States and Leningrad before moving on the capital. The directive further states: the Army will have to employ all available formations to this end, with the reservation that occupied territories must be insured against surprise attacks.

The Luftwaffe will have to make available for this Eastern campaign supporting forces of such strength that the Army will be able to bring land operations to a speedy conclusion and that eastern Germany will be as little damaged as possible by enemy air attack.

The main efforts of the Navy will continue to be directed against England even during the Eastern campaign. In certain circumstances, orders will be issued for the deployment against Soviet Russia eight weeks before the operation is timed to begin.

Preparations which require more time that this will be put in hand now, in so far as this has not already been done, and will be concluded by 15 May 1941.

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The British submarine Triton is sunk by an Italian torpedo boat in the Straits of Otranto. During the night the battleships Warspite and Valiant bombard Valona, an Italian-held port in Albania. Italian cruisers and destroyers bombard Greek positions on the Albanian coast.

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Thursday, December 19th

Air Operations, Europe

The R.A.F. carry out a heavy raid on Mannheim using 134 Wellington bombers.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British tanker Arnia sinks on a mine 8 miles east-southwest of Southend Pier with the loss of 60 crewmen.
  • The British steamer Isolda (734t) is sunk by German bombing near Barrels Rock Light Vessel, South Wexford with the loss of 6 crewmen.
  • The Italian submarine Bagnolini sinks the British steamer Amicus (3660t) from dispersed Convoy SC-15 with the loss of her entire crew.
  • U-37 sinks the Vichy French submarine Sfax and the tanker Rhone (2785t) off Cape Juby.
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Finland, Politics

President Risto Ryti takes office. His predecessor, Dr Kyösti Kallio, dies suddenly of heart failure the same day.



The German steamers Freienfels (7563t) and Geierfels (7605t) are sunk by mines off Livorno.

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Friday, December 20th

Battle of the Atlantic

The Italian submarine Calvi sinks the British steamer Carlton (5162t) from Convoy OB-260 with the loss of 31 of her crew.

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The Blitz

There is a heavy night raid on Liverpool, the first of 2 consecutive nights. The first bombers arrive at 6:30pm. Over 200 aircraft drop 27,000 incendiaries and 205 tons of high explosives. Many fires are started in the main dock area. The Dock Board and Cunard Buildings, the Central Police Office, municipal buildings and the town hall all burn. The Adelphi Hotel is severely damaged by a parachute mine that explodes in Copperas Hill. The worst incident of the night occurred at Bentnick Street when a bomb strikes a railway viaduct used by civilians as a shelter. 42 people are killed and it takes 2 days for rescue services to free the last of the 48 survivors.

Damage in Liverpool

Damage in Liverpool
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Bulgaria, Politics

New anti-Semitic laws are introduced. Bulgaria's Jewish population at this point is about 50,000 people. There are also measures against Free Masons and other so-called secret societies.


Britain, Home Front

The Committee of Enquiry into the Arandora Star disaster (see July 2, 1940) publishes its findings. The main criticism concerns the indiscriminate deportation of both Fascist and anti-Fascist Italians on the liner.

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Germany, Strategy

A series of OKH war games and independent studies regarding a German war in the East, conducted under the direction of Head Quartermaster of the General Staff, Maj-Gen Friedrich Paulus, come to an end. Paulus' conclusions are that German forces are 'barely sufficient for the purpose' assigned to them. In addition, the Wehrmacht will have no reserves left by the time it reaches Moscow, forcing the army to undertake an attack against the city with no reinforcements. And the Volga-Archangel line is a target that will be beyond the reach of the Wehrmacht. More worryingly, the studies revealed that in a campaign area the size of the western USSR, the panzer columns and slower-moving infantry would quickly become separated, leaving the flanks of the panzer forces dangerously exposed.

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The entire Dutch Navy, small but consisting of a wide variety of vessels, escapes across the English Channel to Hull. The ships are overloaded with Dutch volunteers.

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Central Warsaw Partition

Central Warsaw Partition

Saturday, December 21st

Air Operations, Europe

The is an R.A.F. night raid on the Porto Marghera docks and oil installations near Venice.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • In German air raids on Liverpool British steamer Silvio (1293t) is sunk with the loss of 1 crewmen.
  • British steamer Innisfallen (3071t) sinks on a mine at the entrance to Canada Dock, River Mersey with the loss of 4 of her crew.
  • U-65 sinks the Panamanian tanker Charles Pratt (8982t) 220 miles off Freetown. 2 of the crew are lost, 40 survivors are picked up by the British ships Gascony and Langleegorse.
  • The Italian submarine Mocenigo attacks Convoy OG-47 and sinks the Swedish steamer Mangen (1253t) with the loss of 8 crewmen. Survivors are picked up by the Swedish steamer Garm.
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The Blitz

On the second of 2 consecutive nights, Liverpool is hit by 300 aircraft of Luftflotte III. 280 tons of high explosives and 33,000 incendiaries are dropped on Liverpool and Birkenhead. Serious fires are started on the King's, Prince's, Canada, Brocklebank and Gladstone Docks but the port's capacity to move trade was soon restored. The Liverpool to Leeds Canal is breached flooding the LMS Goods Station at Canada Dock. 74 people are killed in the Ansfield District when a shelter receives a direct hit. In the 2 nights 702 people are killed.

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Diplomatic Relations

  • Switzerland cuts off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
  • Germany protests to the US about its pro-British attitude.
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German Raiders

The German diguised raiders Komet and Orion land 496 survivors, which includes 70 women and 7 children, from 10 British and Allied merchant ships, sunk since August, on Emirau Island in New Guinea. The survivors are subsequently rescued by the Royal Australian Navy.

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Aircraft from the British carrier Illustrious attack an Italian convoy east of Kerkanah Bay and sink the Italian steamers Norge (6511t) and Peuceta (1926t).

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Sunday, December 22nd

The Blitz

There is a heavy night raid on Manchester, the first of 2 consecutive nights. About 370 aircraft are involved in this raid, each with about one ton of high explosives. 37,000 fire-bombs are also dropped. To mark the target, planes from KG100, II/KG55 and III/KG26 drop flares and incendiaries. 400 fires are started in the city center and at Stretford. Damage to factories and commercial properties is heavy.

Railway stations are hit as is the main bus depot. The city has 3,500 firemen but many are in Liverpool helping there from the previous day. As a result many fires are able to do a lot of damage across the city. Fires burn in Piccadilly, the Royal Exchange, the Shambles and the Cathedral, Cheetham's Hospital, around Albert Square, Portland Street and Trafford Park.

Damage in Manchester

Damage in Manchester

Manchester Raid

Manchester Raid
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Aircraft from the HMS Illustrious bomb Tripoli.

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Monday, December 23rd

Battle of the Atlantic

  • In an attack on Convoy FN-366 by German motor torpedo boats S-59 badly damages the Dutch steamer Stad Maastricht (6552t). The ship is taken under tow but sinks on the 25th about 4 miles from the Gunfleet Light Vessel. The entire crew is rescued.
  • The Dutch steamer Breda (6941t) is sunk by German bombing in the North Sea. The entire crew is rescued.
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Polish Ace Awarded Silver Cross

Polish Ace Awarded Silver Cross

Britain, Politics

  • Lord Halifax becomes British Ambassador to the United States. Anthony Eden takes over as Foreign Secretary. David Margesson becomes Secretary for War (Army Minister).
  • Churchill broadcasts to the Italians: 'One man and one man only was resolved to plunge Italy, after all these years of strain and effort, into the whirlpool of war.'
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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greeks continue their advance, occupying Himarra.

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Tuesday, December 24th

Battle of the Atlantic

U-65 sinks the British tanker British Premier (5872t) 200 miles southwest of Freetown with the loss of 32 of her crew. 4 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Faulknor.

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German Raiders

In a rare rebuff, the heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper is driven away from a 20-ship convoy en route to Sierra Leone by its especially strong escort vessels.

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Germany, Home Front

Rudolph Hess, deputy Nazi leader, broadcasts a Christmas message: 'Divine justice has turned against England. We are carrying on the fight in the belief in the superior value of our people. For the Almighty has also created the German people; and service for this people is thus service in the belief in the Almighty who created it.'

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The Greek submarine Papanicolis sinks the Italian transport Firenze (3952t) east of Saseno off Albania in the Adriatic.

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Wednesday, December 25th

Air Operations, Europe

Italian aircraft raid the Greek island of Corfu for the twenty-third time. 15 people are killed.

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Britain, Home Front

George VI broadcasts a Christmas Day message: 'The future will be hard, but our feet are planted on the path of victory, and with the help of God we shall make our way to justice and to peace.'

Children in London Celebrate Christmas in a Bunker

Children in London Celebrate Christmas in a Bunker
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German Raiders

The German cruiser Admiral Hipper meets and attacks a British troop convoy 700 miles west of Cape Finisterre. The escort for the convoy consists of 3 cruisers and carriers Argus and Furious. In the engagement which develops, the British cruiser Berwick is hit but the Admiral Hipper is forced to withdraw to Brest with engine trouble, sinking 1 ship, the British steamer Jumna (6078t) from dispersed Convoy OB-260, on the way. This is the only return for a cruise lasting 1 month.

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Thursday, December 26th

Air Operations, Europe

The R.A.F. carries out daylight raids on the airfields in Brittany. There is a night raid on Bordeaux.

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Battle of the Atlantic

  • U-95 badly damages the British steamer Waiotira (12,823t) 124 miles northwest of Rockall. The ship sinks on the 27th with the loss of 1 on board. 89 survivors are picked up by the British destroyer Mashona.
  • The German steamer Baden (8803t), leaving Tenerife to return to Germany, is intercepted by the British light cruiser Bonaventure. She scuttles herself to avoid capture. This is completed by a torpedo from the British cruiser.
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Admiral Hipper and Thor in the Atlantic

<i>Admiral Hipper</i> and <i>Thor</i> in the Atlantic

The Blitz

The Luftwaffe resumes the bombing of London after allowing the British capital a truce on Christmas Day.

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Friday, December 27th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Araby (4936t) sinks on a mine near the Nore Light Vessel with the loss of 6 crewmen.
  • U-38 damages the British steamer Ardanbhan (4980t) in Convoy OB-263. 13 hours later the Italian submarine Tazzoli finishes her off with the loss of her entire crew.
  • U-65 sinks the Norwegian steamer Risanger (5455t) off Freetown. All 29 of her crew are picked up by the Norwegian tanker Belinda.
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The Blitz

There are night raids on London by 100 aircraft. 111 tons of high explosives and 11,000 incendiaries are dropped. There are over 600 casualties with 50 coming from a hit on an air raid shelter in Southwark. There is damage to bus, tram and railway services.

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German Raiders

The German raider Komet shells the phosphate production installation the island of Nauru, an Australian Proctectorate, in the Central Pacific while flying a Japanese flag. Both the Komet and Orion have been active in this area for some days and have sunk several of the ships engaged in the specialized phosphate trade.

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A Cross on a Grave

A Cross on a Grave

Saturday, December 28th

Axis Diplomacy

The Italians, in a direct plea from Mussolini to Hitler, ask for German help in Albania. The Führer declines to become involved, having committed himself to drives into Greece via other routes. Also, he is becoming restless with Italian failures and has no desire to be dragged down by their sub-standard performance.

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The Blitz

Plymouth is the target as 21 aircraft of 'Fire-raiser'groups scatter 12,500 incendiaries across the city. There are 45 casualties. Although there is much damage to homes, shops and hospitals, little disruption occurs in the port itself.

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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greeks bring their offensive to an end for the moment in order to consolidate their gains and improve communications with the front.

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Japan, Home Front

In an effort to make its petroleum supplies last, Japan begins a substitute fuel program to power private automobiles. Charcoal is to be the prime replacement for gasoline.


Secret War

The Gelsenkirchen Report says that the R.A.F. mission of 24 December, to destroy the Ruhr synthetic oil plant, was not successful.

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A Patrol of British Hurricanes

A Patrol of British Hurricanes

Sunday, December 29th

Battle of the Atlantic

The German steamer Adriana (997t) sinks on a mine off the Elbe.

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The Blitz

There is a heavy incendiary raid on London. In a little over 3 hours 136 aircraft drop 30,000 incendiaries that start 1,500 fires along with 120 tons of high explosives. KG100 begins the raid and within 30 minutes 54 fires are burning. This night 2 factors aided the fires. There is a neap tide which makes the level of the Thames very low. The Thames is a resource of the fire brigades when the water pressure falls. There is also strong winds blowing. The firemen are helpless in the face of 6 conflagrations and 16 major fires.

Luftwaffe Attack on London

<i>Luftwaffe</i> Attack on London

Many famous buildings, including the 15th century Guildhall, 8 Wren churches and Trinity House, are destroyed or severely damaged. 5 main line and 16 underground stations are closed. Victoria and London Docks receive many bombs and the Port of London trade is interrupted. The raid is severe and several fires are still burning fiercely the next morning. 160 civilians are killed and 500 badly injured. 16 firemen are killed; 250 are hospitalized.

The Scene After the Raids

The Scene After the Raids

From St. Paul's Looking Northwest

From St Paul's Looking Northwest
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The Greek submarine Proteus sinks the Italian steamer Sardegna (11,452t) east of Sasena in the Southern Adriatic. In a counterattack the Proteus is sunk by the escorting Italian motor torpedo boat Antares.

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United States, Home Front

In one of his famous 'fireside chat' broadcasts President Roosevelt describes how he wishes the United States to become the 'great arsenal of democracy' and to give full aid to Britain regardless of threats from other countries.

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Monday, December 30th

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British steamer Calcium (613t) sinks on a mine with the loss of 1 of her crew.
  • The British steamer City of Bedford (6402t) of Convoy SL-58 sinks in an accidental collision south of Ireland with the British steamer Bodnant (5342t) of Convoy OB-264 when the two convoys converge.
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Britain, Home Front

Royal Engineers and Pioneers dynamite the fire-gutted buildings in the City of London.

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Greek-Albanian Front

The Greeks now commit only their II Corps to the advance in Albania. After heavy fighting and losses on both sides, the units take Kelcyre and Italian resistance is further undermined. At this time the Greek and Italian fores confronting each other in Albania are of similar numbers, but the Greeks are beginning to have logistical problems.

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Tuesday, December 31st

Air Operations, East Africa

The R.A.F. bombs Assab, Italian East Africa.

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Air Operations, Europe

There are R.A.F. daylight raids on Cologne, the oil supplies in Rotterdam, the docks at Ijmuiden and a bridge over the Rhine near Emmerich. Also bombed by the R.A.F. is Valona, Albania.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-38 sinks the Swedish steamer Valparaiso (3760t), a straggler from Convoy HX-97, with the loss of all 35 of her crew.

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Damage From This Day's Raid

Damage From This Day's Raid

Germany, Home Front

Hitler issues a New Year proclamation to the Nazi Party: '1941 will see the German army, navy and air force enormously stengthened and better equipped. Under these blows the last boasting of the warmongers will collapse, thus achieving the final conditions for a true understanding among the peoples.'

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[ November 1940 - January 1941]