April 1945

Tuesday, April 3rd

Eastern Front


The 4th Ukrainian Front is reinforced with the 60th Army (1st Ukrainian), bringing the strength of the 4th to 265,000 men with 6,000 arty pieces, 300 tanks and Su's and 435 aircraft. Facing this host the 1st Panzer Army had 300 panzers and 280 plains, the majority of which are inoperable due to the lack of fuel. Many of the German tanks are uses as fixed firing positions during the fighting.


The 7th Guards Army begins to attack the outer defenses of Bratislava as the German 8th Army crumbles. In Austria the 46th Army reaches open ground east of Vienna and advances rapidly toward the city. The 6th SS Panzer Army is falling back to cover the city defenses but is also threatened by the advance of the 6th Guards Tank, 4th and 9th Guards Armies on its right wing. Wiener Neustadt falls to the 9th Guards.

[ April 2nd - April 4th]