Chronology of World War II

December 1944

Sunday, December 10

Air Operations, CBI

  • 12 10th Air Force B-25s attack stores at Kungmong, Meza, and Namun.
  • More than 50 10th Air Force P-47s attack troops and stores at 8 locations.
  • 20 P-47s support Allied ground troops in the Bhamo area.
  • 8 P-47s attack a road bridge.
  • 8 14th Air Force B-25s attack Kutkai.
  • 25 308th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Hankow.
  • 3 B-24s attack port facilities at Samah Bay, Hainan.
  • 118 14th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets in southern China.
  • After 8 months of offensive effort, Japanese Army ground forces succeed in opening a continuous land route from Peking to Hanoi in French Indochina. 14th Air Force bases in eastern China are completely cut off, and bases at Chungking, Kunming, and Kweiyang are threatened.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

  • FEAF B-24s attack oil stores at Lingkas and Pamoesian, Borneo, an oil refinery at Lutong, Borneo, and port facilities at Labuan Island, Borneo.
  • B-25s attack the Sidate airfield on Celebes, the Namlea airfield on Boeroe, and airfields on Amboina.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Europe

The Americans bomb rail targets at Coblenz and Bingen.

Daylight Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 1 Hudson flies a Resistance operation.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • V Fighter Command P-38s attack the port area at Misamis.
  • Fighter-bombers attack stores and targets of opportunity in the central Philippines.
  • A Japanese Army ground attack on Leyte forces 5th Air Force personnel at the Burauen airfield on Leyte to abandon the bases, but the situation is restored by a US Army counterattack, and the airbase is reoccupied.
  • Marine Air Group 12 F4U fighter-bombers mount their first ground-support missions of the Philippines Campaign when they attack Japanese Army ground troops and facilities at Ormoc Bay and San Isidro, Leyte.
  • 348th Fighter Group P-47s down 1 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane, 4 Ki-21 'Sally' bombers, and 5 Ki-61 'Tony' fighters in several enagements over the central Philippines between 0820 and 1700 hours.
  • 2 VMF-115 F4Us down 1 Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance plane near Leyte at 1640 hours.
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British 36th Div patrols advance into Indaw and Katha in Burma.

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Gen Albert C. Wedemeyer asks Chiang Kai-shek to order the Yunnan Force to capture Wanting, northeast of the Shweli valley, where the new Burma Road coming from Ledo is to link up with the route of the old Burma Road.

The ICHI-GO offensive brings the Japanese victories not experienced elsewhere in the Far East. Throughout November, Japanese forces have occupied southern China up to the borders of French Indochina. When Japanese forces in China link up with their garrisons in Indo-China, Japan reaches the highest point of its expansion into the continent of Asia. It also provides a new supply route for the offensive through the Indochina to China rail link, which stretches across the entire length of China up into Mongolia.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Diplomatic Relations

Following the recent visit of Gen de Gaulle, Georges Bidault, the Foreign Minister and Gen Alphonse Juin to Moscow, a 20-year treaty of alliance is signed by French and Soviet representatives.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Occupied Norway

Norwegian paratroops, flown from Britain, destroy hundreds of rails and the Koppand Bridge, to prevent the withdrawal of German troops from northern Norway. This operation will last until January 5, 1945.

[larrlarr | rarr2]


On Leyte Ormoc is taken by the US 77th Div with support from naval gunfire. Ormoc has been the main Japanese base on the island of Leyte. Japanese units attack Burauen airfield, temporarily forcing the garrison from the US 5th Air Force to withdraw. A counterattack restores the position. In the waters off Leyte kamikazes damage the American destroyer Hughes (DD-410) and sink the motor torpedo-boat PT-323.

The US action on Leyte has followed 3 broad lines of advance: through the north of Leyte up the Leyte Valley; across the center toward Ormoc then northwest up the Ormoc Valley; and directly southward following the coastlines. Fighting is heavy, but the US soldiers are making steady progress. The plight of Suzuki's 35th Army on Leyte is desperate, especially now the fall of Ormoc has cut his troops off from naval supply.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Western Front

The VII Corps, US 1st Army, mounts a co-ordinated offensive to liberate the west bank of the Rur River and the town of Düren, using 3 divisions of infantry, the 9th, 83rd and 104th, and 1 armored division, the 3rd.

A powerful German counteroffensive aims at destroying the Dillingen bridgehead, and is held only with great difficulty.

In the Saarlautern sector units of the 95th Div try to step up their attacks to get through to Fraulautern, but a surprise enemy counterattack frustrates their efforts.

The 2nd Moroccan Div, I Corps, French 1st Army, completes the capture of Thann, and the 9th Colonial Div eliminates the last German bridgehead west of the Rhine between Kembs and the Swiss frontier.

The VII Corps from 1st Army starts a powerful attack west of Aachen in an attempt to take Düren. 3rd Army's battles on the Saar continue.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from December 10, 1944

Bruno Laurenti sent this v-mail greeting home to his parents from Guam. It depicts the 3rd Amphibian Tractor Battalion camp and is dated 10 December 1944.

V-mail Greeting Home

v-mail greeting home

Soldiers of the Maori Battalion prepare to move up into the line in the Faenza sector, 10 December 1944

Soldiers of the Maori Battalion

Soldiers of the Maori Battalion

Kanchanaburi (Kanburi). Prisoners of war, in their quarters in an open-sided attap hut in the POW camp (commonly called Kanburi by the Australians). All seem aware that their photograph is being taken secretly, at risk to themselves and the photographer if film or camera were discovered by the Japanese. Many prisoners were brought here from Burma after the Burma-Thailand railway was completed

Japanese POW Quarters

Japanese POW Quarters

A dejected Lance-Bombardier Davis and Gunner Carey of 319th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, shelter from the rain and sleet in Holland, 10 December 1944

Seeking Shelter from the Weather

Seeking Shelter from the Weather

10 Dec. 1944. 5/MM-44-31393. Fifth Army, II Corps Area, Italy. Lt-Gen Lucian K. Truscott arriving at the van of Maj-Gen Geoffrey Keyes, C.G., II Corps. This is Gen Truscott’s first official trip as C.G. of the Fifth Army. Captain Joseph B. Stone, Liaison Pilot, II Corps escorted him to the van. (Photo by Tacey. 3131 Signal Service Co.)

Lt-Gen Truscott Arriving

Lt-Gen Truscott Arrives

25pdr gunners of 43rd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, with geese and turkeys destined for the pot at Christmas, near San Cassiano, 10 December 1944

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Inden, Germany, December 10, 1944. Captured Krauts lined up before a check

German Prisoners

German Prisoners

A patrol of the 307th Infantry warily approaches a river crossing near Camp Downes in the approach to Ormoc, Leyte (US Army Center of Military History).

Army Patrol near Ormoc

Army Patrol near Ormoc

[December 9th - December 11th]