Chronology of World War II

November 1944

Friday, November 10

Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 60 10th Air Force P-47s support Allied ground forces near Bhamo, attack Naba, bridges in the Kawlin and Naba areas, rail lines near the Irrawaddy River, and Japanese Army troop concentrations across a broad area.
  • 11 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack stores and the town area at Wanling.
  • 14th Air Force fighter-bombers mount more than 150 effective sorties against airfields, road and rail traffic, river shipping, and other targets all across southern China.
  • A P-40 and a P-51 with the 23rd Fighter Group’s 75th Fighter Squadron each down a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter over Nanyo at 1245 hours.
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Air Operations, East Indies

FEAF B-25s and A-20s attack the Kairatoe airfield on Ceram and Piroe in the Molucca Islands.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • There are 2 Mosquito Ranger patrols and 2 Wellington RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 59 Mosquitos are sent to Hannover, and 4 each to Gotha and Erfurt which is not reached, and there are 40 Mosquito patrols and 30 RCM sorties.
    • 1 Mosquito is lost on the Hannover raid.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • 30 38th Medium Bomb Group B-25s, many V Fighter Command fighter-bombers, and US carrier aircraft repeatedly attack the Japanese convoy withdrawing from Ormoc, Leyte. 7 B-25s are downed by ships’ fire, but 2 of 3 cargo ships are sunk, a small auxiliary vessel is beached and burned, and a Japanese destroyer loses its bows.
  • 25 5th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s that arrive too late to attack the departing convoy attack newly landed Japanese Army ground troops, supplies, and port facilitties at Ormoc.
  • V Fighter Command P-38s and 110th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron P-40s down 4 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over Ormoc Bay between 0810 and 0815 hours.
  • A 49th Fighter Group P-38 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter near Cebu at 0900 hours.
  • 475th Fighter Group P-38s down 9 Ki-61 'Tony' fighters near Ponson Island between 0905 and 0925 hours.
  • A 421st Night Fighter Squadron P-61 downs 2 Ki-61 'Tony' fighters near Leyte at 0920 hours.
  • 8th Fighter Group P-38s down 3 Ki-43 'Oscar' fighters over western Leyte between 1400 and 1415 hours.
  • 475th Fighter Group P-38s down 1 Ki-43 'Oscar' and 2 Ki-61 'Tonys' over western Leyte and Ormoc Bay between 1510 and 1600 hours.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Volcano Islands

27 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s based on Saipan attack Iwo Jima.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr2]


In the Pinwe area, along the Myitkyina-Mandalay railway, the British 36th Div reaches one of the Japanese defensive lines. Further east, the Chinese 38th Div outflanks the Japanese positions along the Taping River in the area of Bhamo on the Irrawaddy, south of Myitkyina, penetrating into the Bhamo plain.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]


The Japanese expeditionary force capture Kweilin and Liuchow without difficulty, depriving the US 14th Air Force of these 2 bases, and prepares to march on Kweiyang, a major town and road junction south of Chunking.

Wang Ching-wei, head of the pro-Japanese Nanking government, President of the 'Central Government of China', dies at the age of 59. He is succeeded by Chen Kiung-po.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]


  • The US torpedo boat PT-321 is sunk by US forces after running aground in the Leyte area of the Philippine Islands.
  • The US ammunition ship Mount Hood (AE-11) sinks after an explosion near Manus, Admiralty Islands.
  • Japanese coast defense vessel No. 11 is sunk by US Army aircraft in the Ormoc Bay area of the Philippine Islands.
  • The US submarine Greenling (SS-213) sinks Japanese patrol boat No. 46 off Honshu, Japan.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


Troops of the US X Corps advance into the central mountains, where the Japanese are dug in. Near Carigara the 24th Div mounts a frontal attack on a series of hills called Breakneck Ridge, defended resolutely by the Japanese. Some units of the same division carry out an amphibious operation, embarking near Carigara and landing 7 miles to the west; from there they thrust inland to a ridge near the village of Belen. In the XXIX Corps sector, the 382nd Inf completes the liquidation of the last Japanese nests of resistance on Bloody ridge.

The Japanese attempt to run a 10-ship supply convoy through to Japanese troops on Leyte, but it is intercepted by US 3rd Fleet aircraft just outside Ormoc Bay. The convoy is massacred, with 9 of the ships (4 transports and 5 destroyers) being sunk and the remaining destroyer badly damaged. 13 of the 20 Japanese aircraft providing air cover for the convoy are shot down.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Western Front

The US XX and XII Corps of 3rd Army continue their offensives in the area of Metz and east of Nancy. The 3 divisions of the XX Corps, the 90th, 95th and 5th?, make progress in the Koenigsmacker area, in the Uckange and Malling bridgheads and south of Metz toward the northeast. At the same time 2 divisions of the XII Corps, the 6th Arm and the 80th, advance rapidly on the northern flank despite the mud, the mines and the traffic congestion on the center-lines of the attack. Units of the 6th Arm Div, together with the 5th Div, XX Corps, advance through Vigny and Buchy, and the 80th Div moves forward about 6 miles. On the right flank of the XII Corps, while the 137th Regt of the 35th Div reaches Viviers after hard fighting and pushes on past Laneuveville-en-Saulnois, the 320th and 134th Regts advance into the forest of Château-Salins and to Gerbécourt.

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Images from November 10, 1944

The explosion of the USS Mount Hood (AE-11) in Seeadler Harbor, Manus, Admiralty Islands on November 10, 1944. The smoke trails are left by fragments ejected by the explosion. The explosion was not due to enemy action; its cause has never been determined. The USS Mindanao (ARG-3), which lay about 300 m away, was heavily damaged by this explosion and 180 of her crewmen were killed or injured. The Mount Hood had been a new ship, commissioned on July 1, 1944

The Mount Hood Explosion

The <i>Mount Hood</i> Explosion

USS Mount Hood (AE-11), smoke cloud expanding, just after she exploded in Seeadler Harbor, Manus, Admiralty Islands, 10 November 1944. Photographed by a photographer of the 57th Construction Battalion, who had set up his camera to take pictures of the Battalion’s camp

The Mount Hood Explosion

The <i>Mount Hood</i> Explosion

Explosion of USS Mount Hood (AE-11) in Seeadler Harbor, Manus, Admiralty Islands, 10 November 1944. Small craft gathered around USS Mindanao (ARG-3) during salvage and rescue efforts shortly after Mount Hood blew up about 350 yards away from Mindanao’s port side. Mindanao, and seven motor minesweepers (YMS) moored to her starboard side, were damaged by the blast, as were the USS Alhena (AKA-9) (in the photo’s top left center) and USS Oberrender (DE-344), (top right). Note the extensive oil slick, with tracks through it made by small craft

The Mount Hood Explosion

The <i>Mount Hood</i> Explosion

Salvage and rescue work underway on USS Mindanao (ARG-3) shortly after the USS Mount Hood (AE-11) blew up about 350 yards (320 m) away. Note the heavy damage to Mindanao's hull and superstructure, including large holes from fragment impacts

Salvage Work on the Mindanao

Salvage Work on the <i>Mindanao</i>

Here Japanese troop transport Kasii Maru (????? displacement of 8417 grt) from one of the convoys, the TA-4 which was dispatched from Manila on 8-9 November to Ormoc Bay, was under attack by B-25 Mitchells of 38th American Bomber Group in the area of ??the island Ponson on 10 November.

Japanese Troop Transport Under Attack

Japanese troop transport

Beacon Light Trailer Of The 381St Bomb Group, England, 10 November 1944

Beacon Light Trailer

Italian Girls Working at a British Gas Depot in Italy, 10 November 1944

Italian girls working

A bomb from a US B-25 bomber wrecks a Japanese patrol boat, November 10, 1944, in the Bay of Ormoc (Philippines). The patrol boat was on convoy duty.

Bombing a Japanese Patrol Boat

Bombing a Japanese Patrol Boat

[November 9th - November 11th]