Chronology of World War II

October 1944

Sunday, October 29

Air Operations, Bonin Islands

19 30th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Chichi Jima.

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Air Operations, Carolines

2 11th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Yap Atoll.

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Air Operations, CBI

  • More than 80 10th Air Force fighter-bombers attack numerous targets and targets of opportunity across eastern Burma.
  • Closely supported by 14th Air Force aircraft, the Chinese Army’s Y Force renews its offensive on the Salween River front to capture Lungling. Fighter-bombers also support Chinese Army ground forces at Mangshih, attack Kweiyi and Paoching, a bridge at Sinshih, rail lines between Siaokan and Sinyang, and airfields at Chingmen, Ichang, and Tangyang.
[rarr2rarr2 | rarr2rarr2]

Air Operations, East Indies

FEAF B-25s and fighter-bombers attack antiaircraft emplacements and targets of opportunity on Halmahera.

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Air Operations, Europe

Daylight Ops:
  • 358 aircraft of Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 8 Groups attack 11 different German ground positions on Walcheren. In the aircraft total are 194 Lancasters, 128 Halifaxes and 36 Mosquitos. Visibility is good and it is believed that all the targets were hit.
    • 1 Lancaster is lost.
  • 37 Lancasters including 18 from No. 9 Squadron, 18 from No. 617 and a film unit aircraft from No. 463 Squadron, are sent from Lossiemouth in Scotland to attack the battleship Tirpitz, which is now moored near the Norwegian port of Tromsö. The removal of the Lancasters' mid-upper turrets and other equipment and the installation of extra fuel tanks, giving each aircraft a total fuel capacity of 2,406 gallons, allow the Lancasters to carry out this 2,250 mile operation. A weather reconnaissance Mosquito had reported the target area free of cloud and the Lancasters form up at a lake near the bay in which the Tirpitz was moored and commence their attack. Unfortunately the wind had changed and a bank of cloud comes in to cover the battleship 30 seconds before the first Lancaster is ready to bomb. 32 aircraft release Tallboy bombs on the estimated position of the battleship but no direct hits are scored. 1 of No. 617 Squadron's Lancasters, which is damaged by flak, crash-lands in Sweden and its crew are later returned to Britain.
Minor Ops:
  • 1 Hudson is on a Resistance operation and there are 4 Ranger patrols and 3 RCM sorties.
    • There are no losses.
Evening Ops:
Minor Ops:
  • 59 Mosquitos are sent to Cologne and 6 to Mannheim, and there are 55 Mosquitos on Serrate and Intruder patrols.
    • There are no losses.
  • Lancasters attempt to bomb the Tirpitz at Tromsö with 12,000-lb bombs.
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Air Operations, Japan

4 28th Composite Bomb Group B-25s attack a freighter and buildings at Tomari Cape.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • V Bomber Command B-25s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command fighter-bombers attack targets in the Urarom, Kaimana, and Soeli areas.
  • Fighter-bombers attack Ransiki.
[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Air Operations, Philippines

  • At dawn, a lone Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter strafes the Tacloban airfield on Leyte, where 1 P-38 is destroyed on the ground and 3 others are damaged.
  • US carrier aircraft from Task Group 38.2 attack targets in the Visayan Islands and Task Group 38.4 aircraft attack targets around Manila.
  • A VF-80 fighter downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter over Ormoc Bay at 0715 hours. 49th Fighter Group P-38s down 2 Ki-43 'Oscars' over the central Philippines between 0740 and 0800 hours.
  • Between 0710 and 1615 hours, US carrier-based fighters down 79 Japanese aircraft over the Clark Field area on Luzon, northern Leyte, or at sea, including directly over Task Force 38 on several occasions.
  • The USS Intrepid is damaged by a kamikaze.
[rarr1rarr1 | rarr1rarr2]


In the Indo-Burmese sector in the north of Burma the British 36th Div, after several days' rest at Mawpin, resumes its advance southward along the Myitkyina-Mandalay railway.

On the Salween front the Chinese troops, supported by aircraft of the US 14th Air Force, resume their offensive against Lung-ling, the Chinese 200th Div, providing the advanced elements.

[larr2larr2 | rarr1rarr2]

Eastern Front

The Soviet Budapest Offensive begins. The 46th Army attacks the Hungarian 3rd Army at Kecskemet, and the 7th Guards Army breaks through the German 6th Army. Meanwhile, the German 8th Army breaks out of the Nyireghaza salient.


The 46th Army attacks the 3rd Hungarian Army before Kecskemet. The 7th Guards Army also attacks across the Tizsa and smashes through the 6th Army. Initial progress is encouraging.

The German 8th Army, aided by the III Panzer Corps, fights its way free of the Nyireghaza salient. Heavy fighting with Group Pliev results in 25,000 Soviet casualties and 600 tanks lost.

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A squadron of American aircraft carriers commanded by Rear7-Adm Gerald F. Bogan attacks targets in the area of Manila on Luzon Island. In the waters off Leyte the aircraft carrier Intrepid (CV-11) is seriously damaged by a kamikaze attack.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


The American advance in the Valley of Leyte continues. On the coast north of Dulag, Catmon Hill, actually a series of hills, completely abandoned by the Japanese, is occupied by units of the 96th Div. In the center of the island the Americans continue to attack Dagami. A battalion of the 32nd Inf advances south from Burauen without meeting any opposition, and reaches the coastal town of Abuyog, south of Dulag.

[rarrrarr | rarrrarr]

Western Front

The Canadian II Corps advances rapidly in Beveland and the 52nd Div reaches Goes. On the army's right flank the I Corps reaches the road between Bergen-op-Zoom and Tilburg and prepares to advance north. The Polish 1st Arm Div takes Breda. In the sector between Eindhoven and Venlo the Germans resume their counter-offensive; units of the American 7th Arm Div are forced to evacuate Liessel, east of Asten, on the Meijel-Deurne road. In the US 3rd Army sector, units of the 90th Div capture a large part of Maizières-lès-Metz.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Images from October 29, 1944

Infantry of 51st Highland Division are carried into battle aboard Sherman tanks near Udenhout, 29 October 1944.

Riding Tanks into Battle

Riding Tanks into Battle

Combat Engineer with Red Cross Doughnut and Coffee near Livergnano, Italy, 29 October 1944

Combat Engineer with Red Cross doughnut

An M4 Sherman medium tank moves down a street in Brouvelieures, France, 29 October 1944. An M-8 Armored Car appears to be behind the tank

Sherman Tank in Brouvelieures

Sherman Tank in Brouvelieures

A Sherman Vc Firefly tank of The Fort Garry Horse near the Beveland Canal, Netherlands, 29 October 1944

Sherman Firefly Tank near the Beveland Canal

Sherman Firefly Tank near the Beveland Canal

Main Street of Castel del Rio, Italy, 29 October 1944

Main street of Castel del Rio

Medieval Italian Castle Being Used as Allied Base near Sassaleone, Italy, 29 October 1944

Medieval Italian castle

Survivors of the SS John A. Johnson Being Picked Up by Argus, 29 October 1944

Survivors of the SS John A. Johnson

[October 28th - October 30th]