Chronology of World War II

February 1944

Monday, February 14

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 30 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack Rabaul's Vunakanau airfield. 28 XIII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Rapopo airfield at Rabaul. AirSols TBFs and SBDs attack the Tobera airfield at Rabaul.
  • A VMF-222 F4U downs an A6M Zero over the Tobera airfield at Rabaul at 1150 hours.
  • 43 V Bomber Command B-24s attack the Kavieng and Panapai airfields on New Ireland.
  • Of 16 VMTB-233 TBFs undertaking a night aerial minelaying mission to Simpson Harbor, Rabaul, two are known to be shot down by shore-based antiaircraft fire and four others disappear without a trace. All 18 crewmen are lost.
  • XIII Bomber Command B-24s mount a diversionary attack against the Rabaul area while the minelaying operation is underway.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 10th Air Force P-51s and A-36s mount more than 70 effective sorties against dumps, motor transport, rail facilities, and troop concentrations throughout Burma. 2 P-51s are downed by Japanese fighters.
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Air Operations, Carolines

42 11th and 30th Heavy Bomb group B-24s attack the airfield, seaplane base, and port facilities at Ponape Island with 58 tons of bombs. This retalitory mission is the first time USAAF bombers have struck a target in the Caroline Islands.

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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • Within 12 hours of a devastating night bombing attack against the base, 10 F4Us from Marine Air Group 31’s VMF-224 and 6 VMF(N)-532 F4U night fighters arrive at the Roi airfield on Kwajalein from Tarawa to provide defensive cover. (Additional VMF(N)-532 night fighters will follow on February 23, as will additional air-search radars.)
  • 3 VF-24 F6Fs down a G4M 'Betty' bomber 40 miles from Task Force 58 at about 1510 hours.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 80 38th and 345th Medium Bomb group B-25s attack the Momote airfield on Los Negros. V Bomber Command A-20s strafe the airfield at Dagua, where an estimated 20 Japanese aircraft are destroyed on the ground.
  • 49th Fighter Group P-40s down 7 Japanese fighters over the Wewak area between 1120 and 1125 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

During the night, a total of 32 Rabaul-based bombers attack the Allied invasion flotilla bound for the Green Islands from Vella Lavella. 10 D3A 'Val' dive bombers that attack the surface covering force score a hit and 3 near misses on a US cruiser, killing 23 and wounding 28 crewmen. 12 of the attacking aircraft are downed by ships’ fire.

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Eastern Front

The Soviets enter Korsun but can do no more to break down the resistance of the German pocket. A Belgian SS Bde is especially prominent in the defense. III Pzr Corps is unable to break through the Soviet lines in relief.


The 2nd Tank Army attacks the III Panzer Corps. Heavy German losses follow but the 2nd Tank is held at bay. As this battle rages the III moves additional units up to support those forces already fighting at Lysyanka. Inside the cauldron the 72nd Infantry Division is pressed hard at Novo Buda and Komarovka as the Soviets try to force Stemmerman away from the relief force. As the rear of the pocket draws in, the SS Wallonien Brigade is heavily attacked.

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American and New Zealand forces land on Green Island which lies between Bougainville and Rabaul.

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Images from February 14, 1944

A Lancaster Mk III of No. 619 Squadron on a Test Flight from RAF Coningsby, 14 February 1944

A Lancaster Mk III

14 February 1944, Italy Three US Army nurses attached to an evacuation hospital behind the fifth army fighting front get one of their biggest treats when mail brings letters from home. They are (L-R) Lt. Dorothy E. Fischer, Pittsburgh, PA.; Lt. Mary A. Matock of Cumbolo, PA., and Lt. Helen Richert, Irvington, PA. They are in off duty attire

Off Duty Army Nurses

Off Duty Army Nurses

General Sir Harold Alexander, Commanding 15th Army Group, Talks to British and American Officers in Anzio, 14 February 1944

General Sir Harold Alexander

A Lancaster III of No 619 Squadron Caught in Flight on 14 February, 1944

Lancaster III of No 619 Squadron

Knocked-out German PzKpfw IV Tank by the Side of a Wrecked Building in Villagrande, 14 February 1944

Knocked-out German <i>PzKpfw IV</i> tank

307th Bomb Group - After the Bomb Load Exploded on Munda Island, 14 February 1944

After the Bomb Load Exploded

[February 13th - February 15th]