Chronology of World War II

January 1944

Wednesday, January 26

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • More than 50 AirSols SBDs, escorted by more than 80 AirSols fighters, attack reventments and antiaircraft batteries at the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul.
  • VF-17 F4Us down 8 A6M Zeros over the Rabaul area between 1215 hours. A VF-38 F6F downs an A6M Zero over Simpson Harbor at 1330 hours. VMF-215 F4Us down 14 Zeros, mostly over the Lakunai airfield at Rabaul. 3 AirSols fighters are lost.
  • V Bomber Command A-20s attack the Cape Raoult area and V Fighter Command P-40s attack barges along New Britain’s northern coast.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 15 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Maungdaw. 7 490th Medium Bomb Squadron B-25 and 3 10th Air Force fighters attack a Japanese Army camp at Razabil and nearby targets of opportunity.
  • 18 14th Air Force P-40 fighter-bombers attack the airfield at Kengtung and a Japanese Army barracks.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

  • 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the Maloelap Atoll. When the withdrawing B-25s are attacked over the Aur Atoll by 20 Japanese Naby fighters, P-40s with the 15th Fighter Group’s 45th Fighter Squadron ambush them and down a B5N 'Kate' guide plane and 9 A6M Zeros at 1530 hours. This is the longest over-water combat mission undertaken to date by P-40 fighters, and the first by VII Fighter Command P-40s equipped with belly tanks.
  • 9 41st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack ground targets and shipping in the Jaluit Atoll.
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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • More than 140 V Bomber Command B-24s and A-20s, and V Fighter Command P-39 fighter-bombers attack targets in the Alexishafen-Madang area and 18 B-25s attack Bogia.
  • 41 43rd and 90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the Momote airfield at Los Negros and nearby dumps in the Admiralty Islands.
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From Taro units of the Chinese 22nd Div try to penetrate into the Hukawng valley.

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Pres Roosevelt tells Chiang Kai-shek that, while the question of a loan to China is still under discussion, from the beginning of March the United States will limit its monthly supply of aid to a value of 25 million dollars.

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Diplomatic Relations

Liberia declares war on Germany and Japan. Argentina breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany and Japan following the discovery of a vast Axis spy network in the country.

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Eastern Front

Fighting in the northern sector continues from the Gulf of Finland to Lake Ilmen. In the Ukraine the battle of Korsun-Shevchenkosky also rages.


The 18th Army is pressed back upon Tosno and Lyuban by the 8th and 54th Armies.


The 27th, 40th and 6th Tank Armies push in the direction of Zvenigorodka, striving to link up with the 5th Guards Tank Army as it advances upon Shpola. The 6th Tank Army has been committed from reserve to strengthen the northern prong of the pincer.

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On the 'Gustav' Line the 3rd Algerian Div, after taking Belvedere Hill, pushes on westwards and seizes Monte Abate.

During the night the US 3rd Div launches another attack towards the Rapido River, and this time some units succeed and at last manages to establish a small bridgehead over the river a little north of Cassino.

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Marshall Islands

US B-25 bombers, escorted by fighters for the first time, carry out a raid on Maloelap and destroy a number of Japanese aircraft.

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New Britain

More than 200 American fighters and bombers make a particularly heavy attack on Rabaul. Military installations are destroyed and many Japanese planes are shot down and the base is gradually becoming worthless. Since the beginning of the air offensive the US air force is reckoned to have brought down or destroyed on the ground a total of 863 enemy aircraft. At this point the second phase of the battle begins

the destruction of Rabaul in conditions of complete impunity. For the Japanese base, from the point of view of the air offensive, has ceased to pose any threat to MacArthur's forces in the Solomons and New Guinea.

The US lose PT-110 after a collision with PT-114 off New Britain.

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New Guinea

Elements of the Japanese 18th Army, attempting to by-pass the beachhead at Saidor and reach Madang, come under heavy bombardment from US warships. Troops of the Australian 18th Brigade capture the Kankiryo Saddle, an important Japanese position crossing the western tip of the mountainous Finisterre range. This puts the Australians only 20 miles from the coast.

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  • The US submarine Skipjack (SS-184) sinks the Japanese destroyer Suzukaze in the Caroline Islands area.
  • US naval land-based aircraft sink the Japanese submarine chaser No. 14 in the Central Pacific area.
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Soviet Union, Home Front

The Soviet forensic medical commission on the Katyn Massacre publishes its report. It blames the Germans.

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United States, Planning

Gen Claire Chennault, head of the US Air Force in China, submits to Pres Roosevelt a major plan for air action. First, to gain air supremacy in China, then an offensive against enemy maritime traffic; next attacks against major industrial targets in Japan; finally, offensives against enemy military installations in China, Formosa and Hainan.

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Images from January 26, 1944

WACS Participate in a Broadcast in Algiers, Algeria, 26 January 1944

WACS participate in a broadcast

7th Panzer Division Commander

7th <i>Panzer</i> Div Commander
For his display of exceptional leadership, Oberst Adelbert Schulz was promoted and given the command of 7. Panzer-Division on 26 January 1944. Here Generalmajor Schulz is standing in the middle of the group, third from the right. To the left of him is General von Manteuffel and to his right is Oberst von Steinkeller. The tank seen at the right is the command version of the Pz.Kpfw. III with tactical markings typical for the staff of a Panzer regiment.

Germans loading 28/32cm Nebelwerfer 41 and an Sd.Kfz. 11/4 Nebelkraftwagen 3t, Russia, January 1944

Loading a Nebelwerfer

Loading a <i>Nebelwerfer</i>

Generals Keyes, Juin, and Roosevelt in Prata, Italy, January 26, 1944. Roosevelt, after being relieved as assistant division commander of the 1st Infantry

Generals Keyes, Juin, and Roosevelt in Prata, Italy

Generals Keyes, Juin, and Roosevelt in Prata, Italy

A burning village somewhere on the Eastern front. The Germans adopted a ‘scorched earth’ policy as they retreated.

A Burning Village on the Eastern Front

Burning Village on the Eastern Front

Panzergrenadiers somewhere in Russia, January 1944

<i>Panzergrenadiers</i> somewhere in Russia

Troopers of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment

Troopers of the 504th

[January 25th - January 27th]