Chronology of World War II

February 1944

Wednesday, February 2

Air Operations, Bismarcks

V Bomber Command B-25s attack coastal targets and shipping on and around New Britain.

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Air Operations, Europe

Evening Ops:
  • 7 Mosquitos are sent to Rheinhausen, 6 to Elberfeld, there are 2 RCM sorties, 5 Serrate patrols, and 50 Halifaxes lay mines in Kiel Bay. The Kiel Bay mining operations is a ploy to draw German fighters, even though there is no major bombing raid planned.
    • There are no losses in these operations.
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Air Operations, Marshalls

Task Group 58.3 carrier aircraft continue to pound targets in the Eniwetok Atoll. VII Bomber Command B-24s attack the Rongelap Atoll. 531st Fighter-Bomber Squadron A-24s and 15th Fighter Group P-40s attack the airfield on Mille and antiaircraft batteries. VII Fighter Command P-39 escorts strafe ground targets.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

V Bomber Command B-24s attack Alexishafen and Sorong while approximately 50 A-20s attack the Madang area.

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Chiang Kai-shek replies to Roosevelt's recent message, confirming his request for a substantial loan and his own readiness to send the Chinese Yunnan armies into Burma on the understanding that the Allies undertake a big amphibious operation in the sector.

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Eastern Front

In the south, 3rd and 4th Ukraine Fronts, under Malinovsky and Tolbukhin respectively, are pressing strongly against von Kleist's 6th Army's salient around Nikopol. In the north Soviet troops penetrate into Estonia, capturing Vanakula. Near Peredel the 2 Soviet divisions and the partisan regiment succeed in breaking out of the encirclement.


The 2nd Shock Army forces a crossing into Estonia, capturing Vanakula as the III SS Panzer Corps falls back to the Narva. The 67th Army closes up to the Luga River near the city of Luga.


Heavy fighting erupts in both Lutsk and Rovno as the 13th and 60th Armies continue to attack. Fighting at Shepetovka also continues.

Around Korsun the 2nd Ukrainian Front holds back the weak German attack from Zvenigorodka, while in the Dniepr bend the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts apply increased pressure to the 6th Army.

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The Allied attacks around Anzio are brought to a halt. Gen Lucas is ordered to reinforce his beachhead and prepare for defense. Although they have achieved no positive success and taken heavy losses the Germans have been forced to postpone their general attack planned to start at this time.

The attacks of the American II Corps and British X Corps continue on the 'Gustav' Line, but are contained by the German forces of the XIV Panzer Corps.

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The American occupation of Roi and Namur is completed in the afternoon. The Japanese have lost virtually every man of the 3,742 defenders which includes many suicides. 99 prisoners are taken mostly wounded or in a state of shock from the bombardment.

But 165 Korean laborers, which the Americans call 'termites', attached to the Japanese have given themselves up. The American casualties number 737 killed and wounded. The battle for Kwajalein continues while small units begin the occupation of all the islets in the atoll.

The US battleships Washington (BB-56) and Indiana (BB-58) are damaged in a collision with each other during the day's operations.

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New Guinea

The headquarters of the US 6th Army is transferred from Australia to the Cape Cretin area in New Guinea.

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The ships of TF 58 enter Majuro Atoll, which will soon become a vital advanced base.

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Soviet Union, Policy

Stalin agrees to permit American planes to use 6 Russian bases while involved in shuttle bombing.


Images from February 2, 1944

Kwajalein Atoll, 2 February 1944: Private First Class N. E. Carling stands beside the medium tank "Killer" on which is mounted a knocked-out Japanese light tank. The American tank is an M4 Sherman, the Japanese vehicle is a Type 94 tankette.

Tanks on Kwajalein

Tanks on Kwajalein

Aerial View of Bomb Craters on Kwajalein and Japanese Firing at Advancing U S Tanks, 2 February 1944

Aerial view of bomb craters

A Motorcycle Despatch Rider Checks His Route with a Canadian Military Policeman, 30 January-3 February 1944

motorcycle despatch rider

A motorcycle despatch rider watches as the message he has brought to 8th Indian Division HQ is handed to the GOC, Major General D Russell, by his ADC, Captain D A Sconce, 30 January-3 February 1944.

Handing Off a Message

Handing Off a Message

[February 1st - February 3rd]