Chronology of World War II

September 1943

Tuesday, September 7

Air Operations, Bismarcks

  • 3rd Light Bomb Group A-20s attack targets in the Gasmata area.
  • P-38s of the 475th Fighter Group’s 432d Fighter Squadron down 4 Japanese fighters at sea near Arawe at 1320 hours.
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Air Operations, CBI

  • 341st Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack the viaduct at Gokteik.
  • During the night, 6 7th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s sow mines in the Rangoon River.
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Air Operations, Central Pacific

Engineers complete work on a 5,000-foot runway on Nonomea Island in the Ellice Islands, and 10 G4M 'Betty' bombers from Tarawa drop 20 bombs on the new base. Damage is slight, but 5 US servicemen are killed and 7 are wounded.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • V Bomber Command B-24s and 22nd Medium Bomb Group B-26s attack targets in the Lae area. B-25s strafe road traffic between Lae and the Markham Valley.
  • 52nd Troop Carrier Wing C-47s continue to airlift an Australian Army division from Port Moresby to Nadzab Airfield.
  • Japanese bombers mounting an attack against Morobe are thwarted by V Fighter Command P-38s and a 49th Fighter Group P-38 downs a Ki-43 'Oscar' fighter between Lae and Salamaua at 1415 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

2 42nd Medium Bomb Group B-25s attack barges and a supply depot near Ringa Cove.

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Diplomatic Relations

Correspondence is published concerning the US refusal to supply Lease-Lend aid to Argentina.

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Eastern Front

The Germans evacuate Stalino. The remnants of Army Group A, withdrawn from the Caucasus through the tactical skill of von Kleist, is grouped with von Manstein's Army Group South.


Boldin's 50th Army launches an assault toward Bryansk but is slowed by fierce resistance from the LV Corps.


The XXX Corps of 1st Panzer Army begins to withdraw from Stalino, on the extreme right wing of the army.

German 88-mm antitank gun PaK 43 mounted in position on the banks of the Dnieper. September 1943.

German 88-mm Antitank Gun PaK 43

German 88-mm Antitank Gun
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Ellice Islands

The airfield on Nanomea, just completed by the Americans, is bombed by the Japanese.



Troops of the British 8th Army advance into Calabria on the Nicastro-Catanzaro road and in the north towards Pizzo.

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American soldier Wounded in the Face on Rendova Island, September 1943

American soldier wounded

[September 6th - September 8th]