Chronology of World War II

August 1943

Saturday, August 28

Air Operations, New Guinea

  • 43rd Heavy Bomb Group B-17s and 3rd Light Bomb Group A-20s attack shore installations at Lae and Voco Point, and barges in the Lae–Salamaua area.
  • 26 B-25s attack shipping in Hansa Bay.
  • A 67th Fighter Squadron P-39 downs a Ki-46 'Dinah' reconnaissance aircraft near Woodlark Island at 0838 hours.
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Air Operations, Solomons

  • AirSols B-25s, P-40s, and F4Us attack Japanese troops, barges, and buildings.
  • On their second night of operations, 5 of 8 394th Heavy Bomb Squadron SB-24s dispatched sink a Japanese destroyer and damage several other large vessels, thus forcing a Japanese convoy to retire.
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The British sloop Egret is sunk by Hs-293 glider-bombs, launched from Do-217s. The first were used on August 25.

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Bulgaria, Home Front

The pro-Axis King Boris III is assassinated by a pro-Russian gunman. His six-year-old son, Prince Simeon, succeeds to the throne under 3 Regents, Prince Kyrill, Professer Filov and Gen Michov.

Denmark, Resistance

The Danish government refuses to accept a German ultimatum and resign. The German commander, Gen von Hanneken, takes over. On August 29 he proclaims martial law and there is some fighting in various parts of the country. The Germans manage to capture 1 or 2 of the Danish Navy's few small ships but most are scuttled and a few are sailed to Sweden. The Danish government has been very successful until now in mitigating the effects of the German occupation while rigorously avoiding collaboraton.

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Eastern Front

The Russian West Front attacks the main defense line east of Smolensk.


The Central Front penetrated deeply into the positions of 2nd Army rolling north and west and opening up a huge gap in the junction of Army Groups Center and South.

The West Front rejoins the offensive, beginning a new attack at Elnya in support of the Kalinin Front offensive at Dukhovschina. These attacks pin down the German 4th Army along its entire length, preventing the transfer of German units to the threatened southern flank of the army group.

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Ellice Islands

Marines and Seabees land on Nanomea and Nukufetau in the Ellice Islands and begin to construct an airfield. The Ellice Islands campaign is the beginning of US penetration into the southeastern corner of Japanese conquests. The Gilbert Islands and the Marshall Islands are the next objectives in this sector.

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[August 27th - August 29th]