July 1943

Tuesday, July 13th

Eastern Front


The slow and costly advance by the 11th Guards Army against the LV Corps on the northern face of the Orel salient has pushed the 2nd Panzer Army back 16 miles. However, the skilful defense of the XXXV and LIII Corps to the southeast has exacted a heavy toll upon the attacking divisions of the Bryansk Front's 3rd and 63rd Armies. Model begins to move forces from the southern sector of the Orel salient to the north, the 9th Army slowly withdrawing from its hard won territory in order to cover its rear.


The II SS Panzer Corps continues to attack at Prokhorovka but is unable to push back the 5th Guards Tank Army. It is obvious that the Germans have been unable to achieve the encirclement of the Soviet forces in the Kursk area, let alone break through the formidable Soviet defenses that ringed the salient. An indication of the ferocity of the fighting is shown by the strength return of the II SS Panzer Corp, which is down to 180 operational tanks and 64 assault guns by the end of the battle for Prokhorovka. The 4th Panzer army in total has just 505 operational tanks left, half its original strength.

The attacks by the XLVIII Panzer Corps are suspended as its flanking units are brought under heavy attack. The Germans are forced to relinquish control of Beresovka and Height 247.0.


Hitler meets with the commanders of Army Groups South and Center at Rastenburg. Hitler informs both Kluge and Manstein that he is cancelling Operation CITADEL, mainly because of the Allied landings in Sicily. In additin, he informs them that they will have to make available armored units for transfer to the west. Both Kluge and Manstein protest at the withdrawal of units from their already under strength formations. Manstein even goes so far as to request that the offensive continue. While he had not supported the original decision to attack so late in the season, he maintains that once the attack had begun the only chance of success is to continue until a breakthrough is achieved. He is overruled and Army Group South is ordered to abandon its attack.

[ July 12th - July 14th]