July 1943

Wednesday, July 14th

Eastern Front


The West Front brings up its 4th Tank Army to add weight to the attacks by 11th Guards Army. In addition the 11th Army moves up from reserve to support the 11th Guards. Bryansk Front moves its 3rd Guards Tank Army up behind the 3rd and 63rd Armies to crush the apex of the German salient. Further heavy fighting rages as the Germans slowly withdraw.


South of Kursk the German attacks are dying down but heavy fighting continues around Prokhorovka. Soviet forces are beginning to launch strong counterattacks, sapping the strength of the exhausted XLVIII Panzer and II SS Panzer Corps.

The XLVIII Panzer Corps counterattacks in an effort to regain Heights 247.0 and 243.0. As the Germans move they are brought under intense arty fire. Soviet attacks from the north and west are beaten off but disrupt the German plan. Despite this the Germans retake Height 243.0.

[ July 13th - July 15th]