July 1943

Monday, July 12th

Eastern Front


Following the probing attacks of July 11, Operation KUTUZOV begins in force. Infantry of the 3rd and 63rd Armies, supported by arty fire and the aircraft of Gromov's 1st Air Army, strike the 2nd Panzer Army. Realizing that the attack is imminent, the Germans have evacuated their forward positions before the assault. To the north the 11th Guards Army attack through its own arty barrage rather than after it, supported in turn by Navmenko's 15th Air Army. A counter-barrage and fierce small arms fire inflict terrible losses on the attacking units. Gen Rendulic calls for air support to smash the Soviet forces converging on his XXXV Corps but the Luftwaffe is unable to oblige, its 1st Air Division no longer having the strength to provide for both the 9th Army and 2nd Panzer Army. The Soviets renew their attack during the afternoon but are agains repulsed by the XXXV and LIII Corps. These attacks in his rear compel Model to abandon the battle for Ponyri. Effectively the battle of Kursk is over as far as the 9th Army is concerned; the battle for the Orel bulge has begun.


During the night the XLVIII Panzer Corps redeploys in order to resume its offensive toward Oboyan. Unfortunately, Soviet counterattacks at first light throws the German plan astray, resulting in further bitter battles of attrition.

Early in the day the II SS Panzer Corps attacks at Prokhorovka, the 3rd SS Totenkopf Division leading, followed by 2nd SS Das Reich Division and 1st SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Division. The initial attack is made by 200 tanks northwest of the town but runs into the 5th Guards Tank Army. Rotmistrov is pushing 500 of his 900 vehicles into the battle in the first wave. By 0900 hours the battle of Prokhorovka has begun in earnest. A furious Soviet assault throws SS Totenkopf onto the defensive, compelling Hausser to commit his full corps to the fighting. SS Totenkopf clashes with XXXI Guards Tank and XXXIII Guards Rifle Corps while II Guards Tank Corps mauls SS Das Reich. During the afternoon the SS regroups and attacks again, hitting XVIII Tank Corps west of Prokhorovka. The X Mechanized and XXIV Guards Rifle Corps are drawn into the fighting as the battle rages on. Overhead the Luftwaffe fights a vicious battle with the Red Air Force, both sides losing many machines. By dusk the SS are forced to give up the field, having suffered heavy losses. The 5th Guards Tank Army has lost nearly 400 tanks and half its men, but crucially, the Red Army is able to replace its losses whereas the Germans can not.

[ July 11th - July 13th]