Chronology of World War II

March 1943

Thursday, March 25

Air Operations, Aleutians

4 11th Air Force B-24s, 3 B-25s, 12 P-38s, and 2 P-40s attack Kiska.

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Air Operations, Bismarcks

90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack Rabaul-area airfields and individual B-24s attack Gasmata and Ubili.

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Air Operations, CBI


8 B-25s of the 341st Medium Bomb Group attack rail facilities at Maymyo.

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Air Operations, East Indies

90th Heavy Bomb Group B-24s attack the dock and town areas at Amboina.

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Air Operations, New Guinea

  • B-24s of the 90th Heavy Bomb Group mount individual attacks against Lae.
  • A 49th Fighter Group P-38 downs a G4M 'Betty' bomber near Oro Bay at 1120 hours.
[larr2larr | rarrrarr2]

Air Operations, South Pacific Area

A VMF-441 F4F downs a Japanese Navy reconnaissance bomber near Funafuti at 1115 hours. This is the first interest the Japanese have shown in an Allied base located only 700 miles from their Gilbert Islands bases.

Battle of the Atlantic

A U-boat is sunk by an RAF Fortress bomber.

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Eastern Front


The heavy fighting in the Ukraine has cost 3rd Tank, 40th and 60th Armies of the Voronezh Front 29,800 killed and missing and 28,000 wounded and 6th Army of Southwest Front 15,000 killed and 12,800 wounded. The Soviets have also lost 300 tank, 3,000 arty pieces and 100 aircraft.

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The repatriated survivors of British naval vessels Sikh, Oswald, Tempest, Cachalot and P-32 arrive at Alexandria.

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North Africa


By nightfall 1st Arm Div has nearly reached the Tebaga Gap. Von Arnim is worried about this attack and the threat from the Americans at Maknassy, and therefore begins to pull his German and Italian infantry out of the Mareth Line.

In the US II Corps area, the 1s Armored Div's attack against Djebel Naemia at first makes some progress, but the gains cannot be held. Maintaining pressure on the 1st Div on the hills southeast of El Guettar, the enemy forces the units of the 18th Infantry to give ground on the northeastern part of Djebel Berda. Since no reinforcements for this position are available, the 18th Infantry defense force is ordered to withdraw from Djebel Berda.

The US II Corps receives a new directive from Gen Alexander, calling for a broadened offensive and is reinforced for this purpose by the 34th and 9th Divs. The 34th Div is to conduct a limited offensive for the Fondouk Gab from Sbeïtla. The 9th Div, less the 60th Regimental Combat Team, and the 1st Div are to open a gap southeast of El Guettar for the passage of the 1st Armored Div. The 1st Armored Div is to break off its offensive in the Maknassy area and leave a small holding force there in order to drive on Gabès.

[larr2larr | rarrrarr]


American aircraft launch a heavy attack on the island of Nauru occupied by the Japanese.

March 25, 1943 (0444) - After two torpedoes explode prematurely, the Wahoo commander Morton orders "Battle surface" and attacks the Japanese freighter Sinsei Maru with 4" and 20mm guns. Target sinks after receiving 90 4" rounds.

Wahoo Sinks Another Japanese Ship

<i>Wahoo</i> Sinks Another Japanese Ship
March 25, 1943 (0535) - The Satsuki Maru is discovered and set ablaze by 4" and 20mm shell fire. She sinks after taking 80 rounds. Commenting on the gun action in his patrol report, Morton wrote, "Anyone who has not witnessed a submarine conduct a battle surface with three 20mm and four inch gun in the morning twilight with a calm sea and in crisp clear weather, just "ain't lived." It was truly spectacular".

Wahoo Sinks Satsuki Maru

<i>Wahoo</i> Sinks Another Jap Ship
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[March 24th - March 26th]