November 1942

Sunday, November 22nd

Eastern Front


Advancing rapidly, Rodin's XXVI Tank Corps closes upon Kalach. The lead tanks audaciously gain control of the bridge over the Don, but an attack upon the town is repulsed by elements of the 71th Infantry Division. Later in the day the main body of the XXVI Tank Corps captures Kalach after the IV Tank Corps has moved up to provide support. The 24th Army launches new attacks against the XI Corps, aiming to isolate the Germans between itself and the 65th Army. Volskii's IV Mechanized Corps takes Sovetski as it pushes up from the southeast.

The 6th Army is in imminent danger of isolation in Stalingrad. Paulus, having only just moved his headquarters to Nizhne Chirskaya, is ordered back to Gumrak. Hitler is suspicous that Paulus will order a retreat from the Volga on his own initiative. Paulus believes that the only viable course of action is the abandonment of Stalingrad and, informing Army Group B, stresses the urgent need for supplies. Weichs forwards the request, and an assessment of the situation, to Hitler, who does not respond until after hsi journey from Berchtesgaden to Rastenburg.

Hoth's 4th Panzer Army is under heavy attack following the collapse of the 4th Rumanian Army. Left with the few Rumanian soldiers fleeing before the 57th and 51st Armies and the IV Corps, Hoth's army rapidly breaks apart. The IV Corps has become separated, being forced away from the retreating Rumanians. As the pocket is slammed shut on the 6th Army the IV Corps is handed over to Paulus.

[ November 21st - Novemberr 23rd]