November 1942

Saturday, November 21st

Eastern Front


Elements of the 5th Tank Army encounter the 24th Panzer Division near the Don bridges behind the 6th Army. Fighting at Businovka results in serious German casualties and a hasty withdrawal. Paulus' plans to shore up his left wing fall apart.

Heavy fighting continues at Raspopinskaya as Group Lascar fights off repeated Soviet attacks. The Soviet IV Tank Corps takes Golubinskaya as its advance into the German rear continues. Paulus and his headquarters staff have only just left town for Nizhne Chirskaya and evade capture by a matter of hours. By evening Vasilevsky is able to report to Stalin that the IV and XXVI Tank and III Guards Cavalry Corps are all heading for Kalach.

The drive from the south accelerates as the IV Mechanized Corps reaches Zety. Inexplicably, Volskii orders a hald so he can regroup but is promptly ordered to resume the advance. Elements of Shapkin's IV Cavalry Corps, supporting Volskii, capture Abganerovo and cut the railway line to Kotelnikovo.
Blue-mantled Thornbill

The collapse of his flanks prompt Paulus to request permission to abandon the Volga and pull back to the Don-Chir line. Army Group B agree with this proposal and issue orders for its implementation, pending approval by Hitler. This early chance to save the 6th Army is lost when Hitler orders the Volga line be held.

[ November 20th - Novemberr 22nd]