November 1942

Friday, November 20th

Eastern Front


Soviet rifle divisions around the Rzhev salient begin reconnaissance in force to identify German weaknesses.


The XLVIII Panzer Corps continues its effort to restore the 3rd Rumanian Army positions but during heavy fighting its 1st Rumanian Armored Division is destroyed by the 5th Tank Army. Other elements of the 5th attack the 22nd Panzer Division as it retreats toward the Chir River. Units of the XXVI Tank Corps advance toward the Don, taking Perdazovski.

With his left wing exposed, Paulus continues to move the XIV Panzer Corps from the northern suburbs of Stalingrad to the Don bridgeheads, but as shortage of fuel delays the redeployment. In an effort to coordinate his forces more effectively, Paulus moves his headquarters from Golubinskaya to Nizhne Chirskaya.

South of Stalingrad, thick fog over the second attack sector delay the start of this element of the Soviet offensive. Two hours late, arty opens fire against the 4th Rumanian Army. After the barrage, spearheads of 57th Army strike the Rumanian 2nd and 18th Infantry Divisions between Lakes Tsa Tsa and Sarpa. The 51st Army then joins the attack, crashing into the Rumanian 1st and 4th Infantry Divisions. After heavy fighting the Rumanians begin to crack, prompting the Soviets to commit their armor. The XIII Tank Corps passes through the 57th Army to push into the Rumanian rear before swinging north, while Volskii's IV Mechanized Corps pushes through 51st Army toward Kalach. The XIII Tank Corps runs into stiff opposition from the XXIX Motorized Division, which has been ordered to repel the Soviet attack. The IV Mechanized Corps strikes the retreating Rumanian forces hard at Plodovitoye before blundering into a minefield.

During the afternoon the arty that had supported the 57th Army moves north to support Shumilov's 64th Army. Attacking from Beketovka, Shumilov runs into stiff resistance from the German IV Corps. The Rumanian 20th Division quickly crumbles but the German 297th Infantry holds up the Soviet attack.

By dusk the situation around Stalingrad has changed dramatically. The 3rd Rumanian Army has been comprehensively defeated, a counterattck to restore its lines has been brushed aside and the 4th Rumanian Army is in a disorderly retreat toward Kotelnikovo, unhinging the right wing of the 6th Army and 4th Panzer Army. Casualties in the 4th Rumanian Army amount to 35,000 men, half its operational strength.


Hitler orders the creation of Army Group Don in order to stabilize the German southern flank. Build around the headquarters of the 11th Army and commanded by Field Marshal von Manstein, the army group is tasked with securing German positions on the Chir and Don Rivers prior to restoring the flanks of the 6th Army in its continuing battle for Stalingrad.

[ November 19th - Novemberr 21st]