September 1942

Tuesday, September 29th

Eastern Front


Fighting at Stalingrad spreads to the Orlovka salient. The 5-mile long and 2-mile wide salient is held by the remnants of the 112th Rifle Division and the 115th Rifle Brigade. This small force is struck by the 16th Panzer, 60th Motorized and 389th and 100th Infantry Divisions from the north and south. Furious battles develop as the Soviets put up a stiff defense. Two battalions of the 115th are hit from the north and south and fall back, one battalion retreating into Orlovka itself. The penetrating German attacks threaten to isolate the Soviet units.

Farther south, the fighting on the Mamayev Kurgan continues, while the 193rd Rifle Division is forced back into the western edge of the Red October factory. During the afternoon a large air attack hits the Tractor factory, setting the factory buildings on fire.

Even farther south, the 57th and 51st Armies gain ground around the Sarpa lakes as the Rumanian VI Corps falls back.

Once again Paulus made the same mistake, herding the defenders of Orlovka back towards the river rather that prising them away from it.

[ September 28th - September 30th]