September 1942

Monday, September 28th

Eastern Front


The Germans resume their attacks in Stalingrad with massed infantry and armor supported by artillery and air strikes. The Luftwaffe is active, trying to locate Chuikov's headquarters. Heavy raids are launched against the Volga ferries, incurring heavy losses upon the barges bringing reinforcements and supplies to the 62nd Army.

In the factory district, the Germans attack the Red October and Silikat factories, penetrating the southeastern edge of the Silikat. In the center, the 95th and 284th Rifle Divisions counterattack on the Mamayev Kurgan but are stopped short of the summit.


With the battle for Stalingrad at its height, the Stavka redesignates its forces in the Stalingrad sector. Eremenko's Southeast Front becomes the new Stalingrad Front, while the old Stalingrad Front is renamed the Don Front, commanded by Rokossovsky. The 2 fronts number 771,000 men, 8,100 artillery pieces, 525 tanks and 448 aircraft deployed between 78 rifle and 6 cavalry division, 5 tank corps and 18 tank brigades. The Stalingrad Front is allocated the 8th and 16th Air Armies to provide increased cover against the VIII Air Corps. The new Don Front comprises 39 rifle divisions, 3 cavalry divisions and 3 tank corps, 9 tank brigades and 2 rifle brigades. Its 63rd Army holds a 100-mile sector of the right wing, the 21st Army a 70-mile sector around Serafimovich and the 4th Tank Army, 24th Army and 66th Army are between the Volga and the Don. The 1st Guards Army is pulled out of the line and transferred to reserve.

Since August 7 the 'old' Southeast Front has lost 110,000 killed and missing and 62,000 wounded.

[ September 27th - September 29th]