September 1942

Wednesday, September 30th

Eastern Front


The Germans launch stron attacks into the Orlovka salient, the Luftwaffe striking the 115th Brigade in Orlovka. While units tackle the Soviets in the village, others push along the Orlovka gully in the direction of the Tractor and Barrikady factories. To support the developing attacks, the Germans bring the 94th Infantry and 14th Panzer Divissions up from the south to support their attacks.

Chuikov brings more forces across the Volga to reinforce his shattered front units. The re-formed 42nd Rifle Brigade is moved into the northwestern sector of the city to re-enter the fighting in the factories, while the 92nd Brigade is sent up to relieve the XXIII Tank Corps. The 39th Guards Division is also committed, with 4,000 men, to take up positions just west of the Red October factory to support the 193rd Rifle Division.


The Stavka plans to form a new Southwest Front based upon the headquarters of the 1st Guards in teh Kletskaya dn Verkhnaya Maman sectors, but keeps its existence secret until the counteroffensive is due. In the Stavka reserve, and destined for the south, are the 3rd and 5th Tank Armies and the 43rd Army from the Central Sector.

During the third quarter of 1942, the Red Army and Nave lost 1,224,495 killed and missing and 1,283,062 wounded.


From December 1941 to the end of September 1942, Army Group North has suffered 375,000 casualties but replaced only 270,000, while Army Group Center has lost 765,000 men and replaced 480,000. The 'old' Army Group South, Army Groups A and B, has lost more tha 547,000 men but received only 415,000 reinforcements. Despite the fall in strength, the Ostheer committed two more divisions during September, one panzer and one mountain division, bringing their strength up to 20 panzer, 15 motorized and 135 infantry divisions. During September the Germans have lost 45,000 men killed.

[ September 29th - October 1st]