Chronology of World War II

July 1942

Friday, July 10

Air Operations, CBI

  • 4 75th Fighter Squadron P-40s are sent to strafe river boats near Nanchang and bomb Liuchwan. Ground fire, however, downs 2 of the P-40s. The other 2 abort the mission.
  • A Japanese fighter is brought down by a 75th Fighter Squadron P-40 over Hankow.
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Air Operations, Europe


8 Wellingtons are sent to raid Duisberg and Düsseldorf. The areas are covered in clouds and the planes are recalled. 1 plane is lost.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-160 and U-66 begin operations in the area around Trinidad. 15 ships are sunk over the next 2 months.

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Eastern Front

The German 4th Panzer Army joins up with the 6th Army advancing along the Don towards Stalingrad. The 1st Pzr Army and the 17th Army continue advancing in the direction of Rostov. The Russians admit the loss of Rossosh and also admit considerable German forces on the east bank of the Don.


With the arrival of supplies, the 4th Panzer Army resumes its advance along the Don, both the 4th Panzer and 6th Armies attacking the few Soviet units left on the west bank. On the Azov coast and in the Donbas, the 1st Panzer and 17th Armies push toward Rostov and the Don, meeting only scattered resistance from the rearguards of the South Front.

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North Africa

The Australian 9th Div, recently arrived at the front, attacks the positions of the Italian Sabratha Div around Tell el Eisa and Rommel is forced to send reinforcements. The Afrika Korps tries unsuccessfully to reduce the salient established by the enemy.

Making use of detailed knowledge of Rommel's troop dispositions through Ultra intercepts of German Enigma cipers, Auchinleck begins a new strategy of hitting Italian units under Rommel's command. In a series of spoiling attacks in the next few days, Auchinleck concentrates against the weak and unreliable Italians. Rommel is forced to employ his own German strike forces to plug up holes in the front causing the German armor to burn precious fuel motoring to their aid.[MORE]

Mussolini returns to Rome from North Africa, postponing for the time being his plan to make a triumphal entry into Cairo.

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A Japanese Zero Downed near Dutch Harbor

A Japanese Zero Downed near Dutch Harbor

[July 9th - July 11th]