July 1942

Friday, July 10th

North Africa

Maj-Gen Leslie J. Morshead does not split his division into battle groups as Auchinleck had wished, enabling him to mass his artillery. At 0330 an artillery bombardment hits the Italians who have no means of retaliating. The infantry attacks at 0500 and by 0730 have broken through the enemy's forward positions. They receive no support to do further damage. The Desert Air Force is operating in other areas. Auchinleck sends 32 Valentines of the 8th and 44th Royal Tanks to aid the Aussies. They rout the Italians taking 1,500 prisoners. They next overrun the German Wireless Interception Section, responsible for giving Rommel valuable intel. By 1000 the Aussies gain the eastern end of Tell el Eisa while the South Africans secure the southern flank by capturing Tell el Makh Kadh. Further progress is prevented as Friedrich W. von Mellenthin forms a rough battle line with HQ personnel and advance elements of the 164th Light Div just now reaching the front line. During the afternoon more of the 164th arrives strengthening the defense as Rommel also arrives with some of the 15th Panzer. There is a counterattack, but the Aussies resist.