Chronology of World War II

March 1942

Thursday, March 12

Air Operations, Europe

  • 68 Wellingtons are sent to attack the Deutsche Werke U-boat yard at Kiel. Reports from Kiel indicate that the target is successfully bombed with damage to the Deutsche Werke and the Germania Werft both U-boat builders. 12 people are killed and 21 injured. 5 planes are lost.
  • 20 Wellingtons and 20 Whitleys are involved in an attack on Emden. Bombing photographs indicate that the closest bombs are 5 miles from the target.
  • In minor operations, 26 Hampdens and 1 Manchester lay mines off German ports and 1 Hampden drops leaflets over France. There are no losses.
  • As the Luftwaffe is engaged more and more on the Eastern Front, the RAF is gradually winning air superiority in the West. Since the beginning of March it has been carrying out a systematic offensive against German industrial centers and submarine bases in Germany, occupied France and Italy, an offensive that will grow steadily more powerful until 1945.
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Andaman Islands

Following the fall of Rangoon the British base here is no longer defensible, and the garrison is evacuated by seaplanes.

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The German auxiliary minelayer Doggerbank lays mines off Cape Town. This is repeated on April 16th.

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Royal Navy Warship Adoption Program

Royal Navy Warship Adoption Program

Battle of the Atlantic

  • The British air target vessel St Briac (2312t) sinks on a mine off Aberdeen with the loss of 5 of her crew.
  • The US tanker John D. Gill (11,461) is torpedoed and irreparably damaged by U-158 off Frying Pan Shoals. Survivors are picked by Coast Guard cutter CG-186, cutter Agassiz (WPC-126) and tanker Robert H. Colley.
  • U-126 torpedoes unarmed US freighters off the coast of Cuba, sinking Olga (2496t) off Camaguey, and damaging Colabee (5518t) about 10 miles off Cape Guajaba. Survivors are picked up by the Cuban ship Oriente and the tanker Cities Service Kansas.
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Britain, Home Front

Sir William Bragg, scientist and Nobel Prize-winner dies at the age of 79. Oliver Lyttelton is appointed Minister of Production.

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Allied headquarters are set up at Maymyo, near Mandalay.

US Gen Joseph Stilwell is appointed commander of the Chinese 5th and 6th Armies in the China-Burma-India theater, with the main objective of keeping the Burma Road open in China. Air support is provided by a volunteer force of around 30 US airment known as the 'Flying Tigers' and an RAF squadron.

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Under Japanese auspices Cambodia's King Norodom Sihanouk proclaims independence from France.

Dutch East Indies

The Dutch forces formally surrender to the Japanese. Units of the Japanese Imperial Guards Div land at Sabang in northern Sumatra.

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Germany, Home Front

Robert Bosch, industrialist and inventor, dies at the age of 80.

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New Caledonia

17,500 American forces under the command of Gen Patch land at Noumea in New Caledonia to garrison the island and build and equip a base. They include the first 'Seabees' to see active service.



Giving an early indication of how significant submarine warfare will be in the Pacific, a single US submarine sinks 3 Japanese freighters and 1 troop ship in Japanese home waters.

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Gen MacArthur with his family and staff leaves Corregidor for Australia aboard a PT boat.

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Solomon Islands

The Japanese consolidate their conquests in the Solomon Islands.

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[March 11th - March 13th]