Chronology of World War II

February 1942

Thursday, February 26th

Air Operations, CBI

1st AVG Fighter Squadron P-40s down 1 Japanese Army bomber and 19 Ki-27 'Nate' fighters over the Rangoon area during the morning hours.

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Air Operations, East Indies

During the morning, a 17th Provisional Pursuit Squadron P-40 pilot downs an A6M over Soerabaja, Java.


Air Operations, Europe

There is an RAF night raid on Kiel heavily damaging the Gneisenau. A complete rebuilding is planned but never implemented.

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Battle of the Atlantic

U-504 sinks the Dutch tanker Mamura (8245t) 230 miles off the coast of Florida with the loss of the entire crew of 49.

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The Japanese continue to infiltrate west of the Sittang. They now threaten the Rangoon-Mandalay railroad. There is violent fighting in the area of Waw, northeast of Pegu.

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Diplomatic Relations

Litvinov, speaking in Washington, demands effort from the Allies, saying that, 'only by simultaneous offensive operations on two or more fronts can Hitler's armed forces be disposed of'.

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Eastern Front

The Soviets inflict heavy casualties on the German 16th Army around Staraya Russa.


The 2nd Shock and 54th Armies launch new attacks to break through to Lyuban, while the 59th Army attacks toward Chudovo. Both armies fare badly as the Germans in down the attacking forces. The 2nd Shock penetrates the German positions at Krasnaya Gorka but is quickly brought to a halt. Meretskov proposes to strengthen the 2nd Shock with the IV Guards Rifle Corps.


Heavy fighting rages at Velizh as the 4th Shock Army launches repeated attacks.

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North Africa

The British XIII Corps takes up positions defending the Gazala-Bir Hacheim line. XXX Corps prepares a defensive position along the Egyptian frontier and in the Jarabub oasis. For the second day in a row British aircraft bomb Benghazi and Tripoli.

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Japanese amphibious forces leave Olongapo, on the island of Luzon, for the island of Mindoro.

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United States, Home Front

All 3,000 Japanese-American residents of Terminal Island in Los Angeles harbor are ordered to leave within 3 days.

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Dining After a Japanese Raid

Dining After a Japanese Raid

[February 25th - February 27th]